

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[网页设计毕业生英文自我介绍]网页设计专业的大学生,如何毕业后进入外企工作的话,那么,在面试时,就要进行一个英文自我介绍,下面就一起来为大家提供一篇英文自我介绍范文,供参考: Pesonel statement(introductio...+阅读


My name is XXX, from the XXX, XX years old, aged. Graduated in June this year, the University of Press and Publication XXXX College, majoring in marketing.

I work hard at learning, open-minded, studious, interested in the professional knowledge, good at thinking and analysis, he a certain ability to apply professional knowledge, access to school in college scholarships and third-class second-class scholarship. My English is a good foundation has been a college English 46 certificate, foreign trade panies are also internship. In the work the university has served as deputy team leader and members of other advocacy positions, job seriously. In addition, as a class party during the party in time to the successful pletion of the tasks to be trained in the ability to work while making their party spirit has been enhanced to form a pragmatic style of work. I am cheerful, good at munication, teacher and classmates he formed a good and harmonious relationships.

Experience in social work, I he done before and forwarding sales insurance sales, so sales he some experience. In addition, I worked at the Xinhua Bookstore outlets, good customer service he some experience. Attitude is everything I he followed the principle, I believe that as long as a down the well every detail, good customer service through their unremitting efforts, we will he good job performance.

Hope to apply their knowledge, but I also very much willing to try other types of work, receive training themselves, and accumulated more and rich social experience, and I believe that cheerful and humorous personality will allow me to adapt to the diversity of work. No matter what kind of work in the future, I will bring new job as a new starting point, constantly learning and enhance professional skills, my tireless responsible attitude and pragmatic style of work to do each one.

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