

12月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[“诺基亚”与“爱立信”之间的差别]这个真实的故事,把企业商品供应链的重要性诠释得精彩绝伦。 2000年的一天,美国辛辛那提市大雨滂沱,雷电交加。一个闪电击中了飞利浦在美国的一家工厂,10分钟的一场大火使这家工...+阅读

1. Beware oversharing


Share with caution. Take the time to get to know your co-workers a bit before divulging personal information and stay appropriate and professional even with those you trust. He clear boundaries about what is shareable and what is not. Think TMI (too much information.) Family updates, hobbies, interests, educational pursuits, etc. are all fair game. Illegal activities, intimate details, and resume exaggerations, not so much.


2. Nix the plaining


No matter how well you know your office friend dont gossip or plain about your boss. Thats a big no-no. It puts your office friend in a very unfortable situation and could be potentially damaging if your words ever reached the ears of the wrong person. Se your venting for your partner other personal friends outside of work.


3. Maintain individuality


Be careful that your office friendships dont obscure your individual acplishments and separateness. You still need to build and protect your individual reputation on the job. Especially in the beginning of your career, you need to shine and stand out from the crowd. Office alliances are part of the work culture, thats fine, just dont let your own contributions bee overshadowed.


4. Watch the gossip


Its natural and normal for people to show an interest in what other people do and say. Its not necessarily all bad providing it isnt malicious, but be careful. Gossip can cause hurt feelings and stir up trouble and office drama create enemies that you dont need or want. If you stay positive in your office conversations, youll never need to defend your words or repair hurt feelings. Its important to build a reputation as a person who is respectful and who can keep information confidential, not as the office gossip.


5. Dont play forites


Try to collaborate with and get to know other co-workers, so that they dont feel excluded. Its nice to he a friend in the office, but dont play forites. Be very clear that you will not show preference or extend special fors, nor will you cover up mistakes or dishonest behior and that you do not expect it in return. Remember that when youre at work, youre working. Dont discuss personal situations or concerns at the office even if you he a personal relationship outside of the office. It makes other co-workers unfortable and blurs the office/home line.


6. Diversify friendships


Many of us spend the majority of time at work, its true. And the mon interests and dilemmas we share with our office friends may draw us together, but hing a circle of friends outside of work is important as well. We need to turn off our work brain and separate ourselves from work regularly to keep stress at bay. Our non-work friends can help us to do that. It also helps us to cultivate a variety of friends, broaden our circle of support and keep our lives full and interesting.





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