
职场英语:Call Center Trainer Cover Letter

12月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[十句职场不败的经典名言]十句不败的 想仅仅凭着熟练的技能和勤恳的工作,就在游刃有余,未免天真了 俗话说得好:会干的不如会说的。你想仅仅凭着熟练的技能和勤恳的工作,就在游刃有余、出人头地,未免有些天...+阅读

小编收集整理职场英语:Call Center Trainer Cover Letter范文,免费提供给大家交流参考,感谢原作者的范文分享!

Call Center Trainer Cover Letter


Dt: 24th July 2012

Mr. Ben Hodges

Recruitment Executive

Vxi Global Solutions

Columbus. OH

Respected Mr. Hodges,

I am writing on behalf of the vacant position of a call center executive that is vacant in your prestigious anization, in correspondence to the advertisement in the Friday edition of the Employment Daily. I he pleted my high school diploma and he two years of experience as a call center trainer.

I he performed various important tasks during my job period such as delivering training for sales, technical programs and customer service, providing operations with agent level training profiles and assisting operations with employee coaching and development. In addition, I developed various instructional content; as needed and demonstrated classroom management and control.

Sir, I he acquired ample experience in interacting with the external clients professionally and he good presentation and munication skills.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet and further share my educational qualifications and skills with you so that I can show my enthusiasm for joining your team.

I invite you to review my attached resume and I thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Ho



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