[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读
INT (拍卖auction)
招标invitation of tender
投标submission of tender
总代理人general agent
代理协议agency agreement
累计佣金accumulative mission
补偿贸易pensation trade (或抵偿贸易)pensating/pensatory trade (又叫:往返贸易) counter trade
来料加工processing on giving materials
来料装配assembling on provided parts
独家经营/专营权exclusive right
独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement
独家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent
品质 quality 原样 original sample
规格 specifications 复样 duplicate sample
说明 deion 对等样品 countersample
标准 standard type 参考样品 reference sample
商品目录 catalogue 封样 sealed sample
宣传小册 pamphlet 公差 tolerance
货号 article No. 花色(搭配) assortment
样品 sample 5% 增减 5% plus or minus
代表性样品 representative sample
大路货(良好平均品质)fair erage quality
索赔 claim 争议disputes
罚金条款 penalty 仲裁arbitration
不可抗力 force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral
产地证明书certificate of origin
品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity
重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)
**商品检验局 **modity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)
品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate
个数 number 净重 weight
容积 capacity 毛作净 gross for
体积 volume 皮重 tare
毛重 gross weight
溢短装条款 more or less clause
11、外 汇
外汇 foreign exchange 法定贬值 devaluation
外币 foreign currency 法定升值 revaluation
汇率 rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate
国际收支 balance of payments 硬通货 hard currency
直接标价 direct quotation 软通货 soft currency
间接标价 indirect quotation 金平价 gold standard
买入汇率 buying rate 通货膨胀 inflation
卖出汇率 selling rate 固定汇率 fixed rate
金本位制度 gold standard 黄金输送点 gold points
铸币平价 mint par 纸币制度 paper money system
国际货币基金 international moary fund
黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve
汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation...
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