
职场:Salary negotiation tips

12月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[十句职场不败的经典名言]十句不败的 想仅仅凭着熟练的技能和勤恳的工作,就在游刃有余,未免天真了 俗话说得好:会干的不如会说的。你想仅仅凭着熟练的技能和勤恳的工作,就在游刃有余、出人头地,未免有些天...+阅读

To do negotiation or not really depends on how good is your negotiation skills and how good/bad the offer is.

some pany says their first offer is the best offer, no more negotiation. most of the panies will lee a space in there and anticipate you to negotiate with them.

better do negotiation face to face or on the phone. do your home work, be well prepared, knowing what to say. he plan a, plan b and plan c. the bottom line is to keep the offer, unless you he other offers.

start the talk in a nice professional way. they will respect you more once they realized you requirement is reasonable. your goal is try to create win/win situation for you and for the pany. you get what you want, pany make you happy and they do not need repeat the long going hiring process again.

please dont be greedy. the hiring manager does withdraw offer if he/she feels you are asking for too high and meaningless.

there are friends who did successfully to negotiate salary. but, before you want to negotiate, think about the following questions:

--what will you do if they do not reply your email upto the deadline of the offer?

--how do you know they will not meet what you want?

--what will you do if they cant meet what you asked in your email?

munication can solve all the problem. you need to municate with them anyway.

finally, if the offer is at-will, you can reject it even after you signed to accept it. you make the decision based on what is best for you and your family. rejecting an offer is very easy. however, dont simply reject the offer before you even he a chance to negotiate with the pany you want to join most, also dont resign from your current job too early.




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