

01月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语销售商务会谈]Sales and business talk A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price...+阅读



Introduce yourself with name and title。


Shake hands。


Express happiness to meet the other person。


Give or accept directions。


Useful Phrases

Please he a seat。


Thanks for agreeing to meet with me。


Hell be right with you。


Can I offer you something to drink?


My pleasure。


Pair Practice

A: Hello. Im Mia Conners。

A: 您好,我是Mia Conners。

B: Hi Mia. Im Did Sinclair, and this is my partner Gina Evans. (hold out hand to shake)

B: 您好,Mia。我是Did Sinclair,这是我的搭档Gina Evans。(握手)

A: Nice to meet you Mr. Sinclair and Ms Evans. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today。

A: 您好,Sinclair先生。您好,Evans女士。谢谢你们今天抽出时间与我会面。

B: Its our pleasure. And please, call us Did and Gina. Can I take your coat?

B: 这是我们应该做的。另外,叫我们Did和Gina就可以了。需要我帮您拿外套吗?

A: Thank you。

A: 谢谢。

B: No problem. Please take a seat and well be right with you。

B: 没事。请稍坐片刻,我们马上就过来。


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