
Consulting Cover Letters

01月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2014德勤CONSULTINGBJ OT笔试经验]一大早上起来买了杯美式就找了个安静的教室做OT了,觉得图形推断还好,差不多80%的题目比较容易得出答案,个人感觉比渣打的难一些有限(前段时间刚被渣打电面之后拒绝),另外的20%若...+阅读

In this section you will find sample consulting cover letters. Cover letters in this section are focused on consulting jobs.

Cover letter is an important aspect of job application. A consulting cover letter is sent to show interest to work in a particular anization and request for an interview call. Student looking for internship opportunity or young graduates trying to enter the corporate world need to send consulting cover letter. A consulting cover letter must include details such as the job profile you are interested in, your skills and work experience. The consulting letter is written when you want to use a name of a reference name in the letter. A consultant resume needs a good cover letter to get you into the right job.

Steps to write consulting cover letter are as follows:

Contact information: Start the cover letter by mentioning your address and date. Do not skip this part considering that your address is already there on the resume. Mention the employers name, designation and address of the pany below the date. If you do not know the name and designation of the person you are sending this letter to, then research and find out these details.

Opening paragraph: The opening paragraph should include details such as the job profile you wish to apply for, your skills that make you the right candidate for this particular job and brief idea about your work experience (optional).

Body paragraphs: The body of the letter must be a single paragraph or it can be divided into maximum two paragraphs. The body of the letter should include the following details, if you he not mentioned the work highlights in the first paragraph then mention it in first sentence of this paragraph. After the work highlights, you can mention the details of one of your work experience. For example: your college project work, student group project or research program. Place emphasis on the skills that are essential for the job. You can create another paragraph or section to mention your career goals, why you are interested to work with this anization, why you are interested in this particular job profile and what information you he got about the pany after your research about it.

Do not discuss your education background in detail. You can mention your qualification and the major subject in a single sentence. Those who he excellent academic performance can mention it in their cover letter. Mention your high GPA, academic awards and national level scholarships.

Closing Paragraph: You must thank the employer for their time and mention your contact number. Mention your desire to attend an interview in near future and that you are looking forward to their reply.

Mentioning name of referrals: You can mention the name of the current employees of this anization who remended you this job or inspired you to work with this anization. For example: ABC private limited is an MNC that helps in the plete development of their employees. At college-corporate program 20XX, my interaction with Allen Parker, a current senior manager in your pany has reinforced my desire to work with your anization.

This site contains various consulting cover letters that can be used as guideline when you draft your cover letter. Make sure you use readable and professional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri. Avoid using fancy or cursive fonts such as ic San MS or Bradley Hand. The standard font size is 12; you can even opt for font size 10. After drafting your cover letter proof read it. Find out spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and other errors. Ask you friends or family member to proof read it. Your cover letter should be error free, so that you create a good impression on the employer. Do not send a generic cover letter every time you apply for job. Draft a new cover letter every time you apply for a new job.

The consulting cover letters must emphasize on your skills, work experience and why you want to work with the particular anization.


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