[Why Employers Request Salary Information?]Employers generally use salary information as a screening tool. Your salary history can be used to determine if you are overqualified, qualified or underqualifi...+阅读
在这个毕业季里,不少中国留学生还在为找工作面试而四处奔波,有些幸运的学生在众多挑战者中脱颖而出,然而又一个非常敏感而重要的话题迎面而上,在学生们拿到工作offer的时候,雇主总是会问这样一个问题,你对工资有什么要求吗?AGG 美翼国际其中一位创建者曾经拿到美国苹果总部公司的工作offer时,面试官就曾经问到这样一个问题:你对苹果公司的待遇有什么要求?当时他拿到工作 offer太激动了,没有怎么商讨工资问题,对于面试官所给的工资一口就答应了。但是他后来有些后悔,觉得工资开低了。所以在美国找工作的同学们,你们要注意拉,在准备面试的时候,一定不要忽略这个敏感的工资话题。但是应该如何圆滑的回答面试官的薪资问题呢?美翼国际名师们给出以下三点建议,这些都是美翼名师们曾经在职场面试中总结的经验,并且因为出色而机智的回答,获得不错的工作offer.
1、不要提数字。在美国,everything is negotiable,每件事情都是可以商量的,谈薪资问题也正如谈生意。举个例子,比如面试官的心里工资是年薪$40,000, 假设你直接说你想要的工资是年薪$35,000,那么面试官一定非常开心的答应你的要求,因为公司可以省下5,000美金,只给你发$35,000。但是如果你开口价是$50,000,那么假设你刚好有竞争对手和你水平相当的时候,他/她提出的工资比你低,面试官很可能就不接受你提出的工资要求,你就要面临着和工作offer说拜拜。所以遇到如此敏感的问题,千万不要提数字。假设面试官非得要你说个数字,那么你在面试之前就要做好充足的准备,做好完全的市场调查,看看这个岗位的均价是多少。
2、强调你的优势和背景。在谈到工资福利问题,你可以尽量绕开数字问题,尽可能的强调你的学历,工作经历和工作办事能力。例如,你可以说,我有一个金融硕士还有两年的工作经历,公司可以按照我的资历给我发相应的薪水。I he a masters degree in Finance and two years working experience. I can be paid based upon my education background, working experience and other qualifications. I am very confident that I will be a valuable asset to your firm.
3、拿市场价格作为标杆。谈到工资问题,你同样可以用市场价格作为一个标准,让公司可以根据市场的标准给你发工资。For example, I can be pensated according to the market rate; as far as I know that the erage market rate for this patible position is approximately $50,000, which might be a reference for your salary offer.总言之,在遇到工资问题的时候,同学们不要害怕,既不要让自己吃亏,也不要太过骄傲提出过高工资,把它当作你人生的一桩生意来谈。一切谨记,如同在中国一样,在美国 everything is negotiable!!有更多找工作的咨询,可以联系Amazing Grace Group美翼国际。美翼国际提供一对一咨询培训服务, 服务内容包括:1 Personalized Career Assessment Report1 Personalized Resume1 Personalized Cover Letter1 Interview Package6-hour One-to-One Consulting and TrainingPotential Referrals to Employers学员们需要与美翼国际预约,通过面试的同学方可进入一对一咨询培训。美翼国际在曼哈顿,皇后区,长岛及加州均有分点。学员们预约时需要指出PH: (646) 801 1258info#aggusa..aggusa.下面是小编在美国很火爆找工作的网站monster.上摘录的关于薪资的面试话题,希望对在找工作的战友们有所帮助。Good luck!Longtime New York career coach Ellis Chases client had just gotten an offer for a great job as an analyst at a hedge fund, and shed been successful in sting off any discussion of base salary or bonus up to that point. Chase had coached her in this tactic. You want the employer to fall in love with you before you start talking numbers, he says. That way youre in a much better negotiating position.But the next step Chase says you should take in the process is counter-intuitive: dont talk salary yet. When you get the actual offer, youre in no emotional shape to negotiate, he says. All youre thinking about is that you got the offer and you just want to lock it up. A lot of people are afraid that if they ask for more time, the hiring manager will rescind the opportunity. But that doesnt happen 99% of the time, he says. What you should say: Im thrilled you want to hire me. Could you just give me a couple of days to think about it?Then, Chase says, its time to do as much research as possible on how much the pany pays for that position and to draw up a list of things that matter to you, including your scope of responsibilities, base salary, bonus, frequency of reviews, 401(k) match, vacation time, technology youll be using, even where youll sit. Go into the next meeting with a pad and pen and say, I hope you dont mind if I take notes. That will signify how serious you are and ensure that you he a record of what you agree upon.Though she was very reluctant to take Chases advice, his hedge fund client asked for more time and got it. Still, she was terribly nervous that the employer would take back the offer. She was a mess, says Chase, who wrote a book called In Search of the Fun-Forever Job: Career Strategies That Work, that includes a chapter on negotiating salary.
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