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[应聘英语面试自我介绍]My name is John Jones and I am an experienced problem solver for marketing departments. I know that you he an opening here in your West Coast Marketing Group, an...+阅读

商务英语谈判技巧 论文



在国际贸易中,价格谈判最为敏感、最为复杂、也最需要一定的技巧。往往是在一种Bargaining (讨价还价)的过程中,双方谈判人的许多素质得以磨练和体现,如反应是否敏捷;能否用礼貌得全的语言交谈;是咄咄逼人,还是以理服人;能否做到恰如其分的反驳,但又不伤害对方;能否抓住机会吹捧自己的产品,但又不至于使对方反感等等。众所周知,同样的谈判,在不同的语言环境下,会产生不同的结果:如谈判双方均持平等竞争的态度,用恰当得体、友好平和的语言来谈判,那么客户之间的关系会拉得更近,双方都得利,业务越做越大;反之,如谈判双方一开始就处在敌对的状态下,且采用生硬、刺耳的语言,唇枪舌剑般地进行,轻者失去这笔生意,重者失去新老顾客,业务锐减。

在外贸谈判中,营造一个热情、友好、坦诚、大方的气氛是十分重要的。商人在谈判中常说:Wedo business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.(我们是在平等互利的基础上做生意)。所以,谈判双方均不可以盛气凌人之势,强迫对方接受自己的条件,反而应该尽力创造出和谐、认真的谈判气氛。本文旨在从卖方或供应商(seller/supplier)和买方或客户(buyer/client)两方面,谈谈商务英语价格谈判的一些基本技巧。



例1: Its the quality that really counts. Our driller steel is far superior to that used by the Japa-nese.businessenglish/Whats more,our design and technology are pletely up-to-date.Youll be assured of efficientservice for years to e.


例2: We can hardly bear the reduction because the raw material has advanced by 5% during thelast few months. Accordingly, the cost of our production has risen a great deal. So this price is whatwe can get.

3、强调我们的价格符合市场要求和水平,是合情合理的,所以不考虑降价。或者要求对方增大定单,方可考虑quantity discount (数量上的折扣)。

例3: Well, forHero 330, we are quoting US$6. 50 per dozen CIF Alexandria. Our price hasalways been reasonable because it es in line with the prevailing market level.

4、Well, it depends on the quantity you order. For orders over US$20, 000 we offer a 10%。discount on first orders credited on repeat order. How much was your last order for?

4、在我方产品的价格或许稍高于同行同类产品,又不准备降价的情况下,我方可用quickerdelivery time (快速交货)和convenient after-sales service (便捷的售后服务)作为诱饵(当然,要实事求是,不可欺骗),让对方觉得买了你的产品既方便又有保障。

例5:Im afraid there is little scope for reducing the price.But we provide quick delivery time andconvenient after-sales service. For example, Boardchair 03, for the quantity of 6 to 10 pieces, thenormal delivery time is 5 days,but now the special delivery time is only one day,Note286 CX,for thequantity of 5 pieces, the normal time is 4 days, but now 2 days will do. And we he several servicecenters, offering you around-the-clock service.


例6: To be frank with you, there are many other customers who he approached us with somehigher prices. If it were not for our good relationship, wed hardly be willing to make you a firm offerat this price.

6、直截了当地拒绝对方的还盘。但这种表达,态度比较生硬,火药味较浓。从另一角度看,如果这一策略运用得当,可以加快谈判速度,但要小心行事。最好不要直接说:No, I cant accept it.而应尽量婉转地用Well,, Actually,或Im afraid,等开头,从而给对方稍留余地,以免让对方感到难堪。

例7:Personally, this is our rock-bottom price, Mr. Mcardell. Im afraid it seems that we cantmake any further concession.

例8: 5 percent reduction is absolutely out of the question. Now, Mr. Li, to help.



例9:Im interested in your lead crystal glassware.But as we are just taking up the line,Im afraidwe cant do much right now. Could we he 3000 gross for a start? If the sales go well, big businessis sure to follow. I hope you could offer us your most forable price, though the quantity we areordering is by no means an attractive one.


例10: Yours is an international renowned pany, and your products always enjoy itsreputation. We, too, dont hope that you ship the instrument on display back to your homeland. Thereduction of 27% of our counter offer is already not that big, and in fact it is only less than 10%pared with your offer. So I hope that you put all things together and give it a furtherconsideration.HttP: .gwyOO.


例11: Business is rather slow nowadays. Few buyers he been in the market recently, Besides,you certainly realize that lower prices are an effective marketing tool in the short or the long term.


例12: As the matter stands now, your quotation is over the current price in the internationalmarket,and also beyond our ability of payment.In this way,well,as we think,he to consider offersfrom other sources. Honestly speaking, if you can reduce your price by 25%, that will be consideredagreeable to the level of the international market.


例13: Thats the first step.With one businessenglish/more, we could strike a deal.To make things simpler, letssplit the difference and meet half way. You must lee us some margin to cover the advertisingexpenses.


例14: But the gap between us is still too wide. Id suggest another 10%. (Seller: Oh, Im afraidthat wont do. We simply cant stand such a big cut.) If thats the case, Im afraid well he to goelsewhere.


例15: At present, the products from Philips are attractive to us, but we are also very muchinterested in the Nationals. We hope that you can offer your petitive price.



1、价格太高Your price is not in the least encouraging. Its beyond our reach.

You are asking for at least 5 per cent more than your petitors do. Thats much too dear.

2、不能减价Our products are moderately priced. We cant go lower than this.

We cannot accept your counterbid, but this does not mean we are not willing to co-operate.

3、价格上涨The price is going up, owing to the rise in the cost of raw materials.

There is every indication of a further rise in price in the near future.

4、若不改善价格,无法成交Ifyou stand firm, we can hardly e to terms.

Unless you can reduce the price, chances for business are remote.

5、若改善价格,有可能成交If you want to get the order, youll he to lower the price.

A lower price would mean larger sales.

6、考虑对方的价格要求To encourage business, we are prepared to make a reduction.

To support you in pushing sales, we grant you a special discount ofper cent.

7、成交In view of our good co-operation over the past years, we accept your price.

We are very much pleased that we he e to terms in the end.

实际谈判技巧林林总总,无一固定模式,需要谈判人灵活机动,见机行事,不可仗势欺人,也不可软弱妥协。对代表卖方的谈判人来说,你的言谈举止代表你公司的作风,代表你公司对交易及对新旧客户的态度,替公司及公司产品创造一种好印象,也就赢得了商业信誉和信心。对代表买方的谈判人来说,争取一份价廉物美的生意就意味着有利可图(good profit);如果能建立一个稳定的、可靠的供应商,你的生意就能得到长期保障;你的诚实、大方、守信用的作风也会给对方留下深刻的印象。


商务英语谈判技巧 论文




商务谈判实际上是一种对话,在这个对话中,双方说明自己的情况,陈述自己的观点,倾听对方的提案、发盘、并做反提案,还盘、互相让步,最后达成协议。成功的谈判者在谈判时把50%以上的时间用来听。他们边听、边想、边分析,并不断向对方提出问题,以确保自己完全正确的理解对方。具体就是,要尽量鼓励对方多说,向对方说:please? Go on,yes,并提问题请对方回答,使对方多谈他们的情况。如果对对方的观点表示了解,可以说:I see what you mean. (我明白您的意思) ;如果表示赞成,可以说: That s a good idea. (是个好主意),或者说:Iagree with you. (我赞成);如果是有条件地接受,可以用on thecondition that这个句型,例如: We accept your proposal, on thecondition that you order 30000units.



Im afraid I cant give you a definite reply now. (恐怕我现在无法给你一个明确的答复)或I just need some time to think itover. (我需要时间考虑考虑)。灵活性和原则性是涉及语言效果和传达原意的两个方面。缺乏灵活性会影响表达效果,而不会灵活则往往会使得谈判陷入僵局。要针对不同国家的谈判对手和不同的情况,不断调整自己,坚持原则性与灵活性的统一。例如,在与欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要拐弯抹角。表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:I dont think thats a good idea. (我不认为那是个好主意), 或者Frankly, we cant agree with your proposal. (坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案);如果是拒绝,可以说:Were not prepared toaccept your proposal at this time. (我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议);有时,还要讲明拒绝的理由,如 To be quite honest, wedont believe this product will sell very well in China. (说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好)。


国际商务谈判大多用英语进行,而谈判双方的母语往往又不都是英语,这就增加了交流的难度。在这种情况下,我们要尽量用简单、清楚、明确的英语,不要用易引起误会的多义词、双关语、俚语、成语。也不要用易引起对方反感的词句,如:to tellyou the truth,Ill be honest with you?,I will do my best.Its none of my business but?这些词语带有不信任色彩,会使对方担心,从而不愿积极与我们合作。如果谈判者的言辞能清楚地表达出所想的和所要讲的,就减少了许多容易导致误解的地方。





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