
商务礼仪——Meeting and Greeting People

05月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[各国风俗礼仪英语]ost of you are familiar with American, Canadian and English Christmas customs, which are largely the same, including Santa bringing presents that sit below a li...+阅读

商务礼仪Meeting and Greeting People

1) Greeting

The simplest thing to say is Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening. This greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to any one you are passing quickly. How are you is usually used when you are not in such a hurry. No answer is expected other than Fine, thank you. Hello is the monest form of greeting between good friends.

2) When a Man Raises His Hat

If you are wearing a hat which can be taken bold of easily, it is customary to raise it slightly off your head when you greet a girl or a woman.

3) When to Shake Hands

It is customary to shake hands when you first meet someone. And usually friends shake hands when they meet after not hing seen each other for some time. However it is not necessary to shake hands.

4) Use the persons Name

It is always good form to use the name of the person you are greeting. You might say, Good Morning, Mr. Moncrieff or Hello, Franklin. A persons surname should be used unless he is good friend or school-mate.


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