

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国家公务员考试里笔试面试各占多少啊]一般职位综合成绩的计算方法为:公共科目笔试成绩占50%,面试成绩和专业科目考试成绩共占50%(公共科目笔试、面试、专业科目考试成绩均按百分制折算)。 1、凡经批准进行专业考试的...+阅读


1234 select * from (select colD,colE,dense_rank() over(order by colG desc) as rk from tableb) where rk between 10 and 20 --当然面试的话这里可以注明 dense_rank 和 rank区别等等。



12345 select count(*) as cnt from tableB where colA in (select colA from tableA start with colA = 传入idconnect by prior colA = colB)



with tableA as (select 1 as colA,0 as colB,'北京' as colC from dualunion allselect 2 as colA,0 as colB,'上海' from dual),tableB as(select 1 as colD,'人员1' as colE,1 as colA,2000 as colG,0 as colH from dualunion allselect 2,'人员2',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 3,'人员3',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 4,'人员4',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 5,'人员5',1,2000,1 from dualunion allselect 6,'人员6',2,2000,1 from dualunion allselect 7,'人员7',1,2000,1 from dual)--查询sql select decode(t.colH,0,'女','男') as gender,max(decode(t.colC,'北京',t.cnt,0)) as 北京,max(decode(t.colC,'上海',t.cnt,0)) as 上海 from (select a.colC,b.colH,count(*) as cnt from tableB bleft join tableA a on a.colA = b.colAgroup by colC,colH) t group by t.colH





Mysql数据库面试问题select t1.non_seller, t3.coupon, ifnull(sum(t2.bal),0) from (select seller,coupon from (select distinct seller from t2) c, (select distinct coupon from t2) d )...

关于mysql面试1 数据表加1个字段,userid用来记录正在处理的人,进入php页面时,写入该字段。处理完成时,或未处理直接退出时,清空userid记录。其他人进入php页面时判断userid是否为空,不为空则禁...

15个 MySQL基础面试题 DBA们准备好了吗问题1:你如何确定 MySQL 是否处于运行状态? 答案: 在Debian 上运行命令 service mysql status,然后看输出即可。 在 RedHat 或者 centos 上运行命令 service mysqld status,然后...

出个Sql面试题!--总体情况 SELECT a.ID, COUNT(*) AS 总数, SUM(CASE b.STYLE WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 过关数, SUM(CASE b.STYLE WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 未过关数 from a, b...

SQL面试题。帮忙解答。谢谢(1): select 姓名,科目,成绩 from t表 a where not exists(select * from t表 b where b.成绩 (2): delete from t表 where id not in( select id from t表 a where id in(selec...

数据库面试题:1. create database aaa; 2. create table users(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_name char(10),money char(10),add_time datetime PRIMARY KEY (`id`))ENGINE=Inno...

SQL语句面试恩,通过自定义函数吧。。 实现如下: ----创建自定义函数 create function F_Getvarchar(a1 int) returns varchar(8000) as Begin declare a2 varchar(100),Newvarhar varchar...
