
牛人的cover letter

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Thank You Letter Tips for Job Interviews]It's always important to say thank you after a job interview and after a second interview, as well. It's also important to thank everyone you interviewed with a...+阅读

Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am currently a third-year undergraduate student in the ****. I am writing to apply for the McKinsey Scholar Program, which I learned about from my former professor, Michael Pettis .

During my first two years at Tsinghua, my mind has taken deep breath in Tsinghua's world-class academic environment and I he improved my knowledge structure by pursuing a degree which bines ****** with a ******** education. I developed my personality and leadership potential through various extracurricular activities and leadership positions. The following points briefly outline my four qualifications that might fit your expectations for a McKinsey Scholar.

* Outstanding Academic Achievement

My current GPA is *.** and I was awarded the ***** Academic Excellence Scholarship and the ******** Scholarship.

* A bination of Local Knowledge and International Experience

While I consistently keep a close watch on all kinds of plex domestic issues, I he also gained eye-witness experiences of the international financial market through my six-week internship in **********. In addi

tion, several educational exchange programs he enabled me to listen to and interact with peers from different cultural and education background.

* Leadership, Strategic Thinking Detail Oriented

My leadership positions in student government and the success of my Greater China business students exchange forum demonstrate that I am not only equipped with leadership vision, but also a practical ability to get things done .

* Excellent Presentation and munication Skills

Through participation in several debating and English speech contests, I he sharpened my presentation skills. And through my previous experience as the director of external relations for the student union, I developed my interpersonal skills.

I would greatly appreciate a chance to demonstrate the dynamic part of myself through an interview . Should you he any questions, please fell free to reach me at 1380******* (mobile), (8610)5153**** (dorm) or by e-mail: *****&emsp*****.tsinghua.edu. Thanks for your time and consideration.


******** (**)


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