1. I don't think that's a good idea. 我不认为那是个好主意。
2. I think you misunderstood me on this point. 在这一点上面,我想你误会我了。
3. We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time. 我们这一次不准备接受你们的提议。
4. To be quite honest, we don't believe this point will sell very well in China. 说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得很好。
5. Can we do it this way? 我们能否这样做。
6. I'll convey your proposal to my boss and see what he says. 我会跟我的老板讲,看他怎么说。
7. We'd like to discuss the details of the contract at our new meeting. 我们希望在下次开会时,能讨论有关合同的细节问题。
8. Why do you think so? 您为什么这么想呢?
9. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your point. 很抱歉,我不大了解您的意思。
10. Could you explain that in more detail? 能否更详细地说明一下呢?
11. What we'd like to do in the immediate future is (to)... 我们短期内希望做的是......
12. Let's......, shall we? 让我们......., 好吗?
13. We hen't agreement on the price. 在价格上面,我们还没达成一致。
14. We'd like to discuss...... 我们想讨论一下......
15. Our long-term goal is to increase imports. 我们的长期目标是扩大进口。
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