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[外企面试一般都问什么呀]外企面试 要注意“六个三” 一、 回避硬伤的三项注意事项 当面试进入一定阶段,有的企业根据需要,可能会加上英文面试,能到这个阶段,也预示着你正向梦想的职位最后冲刺,这轮面试的...+阅读


牛津大学面试问题Subject 科目:地理 Geography面试老师Interviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda's College问: If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in? (如果我去你的家乡旅行,我应该看些什么有趣的东西?)Subject科目:现代语言Modern languages面试老师:Helen Swift, St Hilda's学院问:What is language(什么是语言)?Subject科目:英语English面试老师: Lucinda Rumsey, Mansfield College问: Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series(为什么英文专业的学生有必要阅读Twilight(暮光之城)系列?)?Subject科目:医药Medicine面试老师:Robert Wilkins, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (生理学,解剖学和遗传学系)问:为什么运动时你的心跳会加速(Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise)?Subject科目:生物科学Biological sciences面试老师:Martin Speight, Department of Zoology (动物系)问:If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose? (如果你只能拯救热带雨林或珊瑚礁中的一个,你会选择哪个)?Subject科目:法律Law面试老师:Ben McFarlane, Faculty of Law (法学院)问:What does it mean for someone to 'take' another's car(一个人“拿走”别人的车是什么意思)?Subject主题:工程Engineering面试老师:Byron Byrne, Department of Engineering Science (工程科学系)问:How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water(你会如何设计一个重力蓄水大坝)?Interview questionsSubject: GeographyInterviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda's CollegeQ: If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in?Lorraine Wild: 'The question gives candidates an opportunity to apply concepts from their A level geography course to their home area. They might discuss urban planning and regeneration, ethnic segregation and migration, or issues of environmental management. The question probes whether they are able to apply 'geographical thinking' to the everyday landscapes around them. It reveals the extent to which they have a curiosity about the world around them. By asking specifically about their home area the question eliminates any advantage gained by those who are more widely travelled and have more experience of a variety of geographical contexts.'Subject: Modern languagesInterviewer: Helen Swift, St Hilda's College Q: What is language?Helen Swift: 'Although I would never launch this question at a candidate on its own, it might grow out of a discussion. Students sometimes say they like studying Spanish, for example, because they 'love the language'. In order to get a student thinking critically and analytically, the question would get them to consider what constitutes the language they enjoy – is it defined by particular features or by function (what it does)? How does form relate to meaning? And so on.'Subject: EnglishInterviewer: Lucinda Rumsey, Mansfield CollegeQ: Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series?Lucinda Rumsey: 'There's several reasons I might ask this one. It's useful in an interview to find some texts the candidate has read recently and the Twilight books are easily accessible and popular. Also, candidates tend to concentrate on texts they have been taught in school or college and I want to get them to talk about whatever they have read independently, so I can see how they think rather than what they have been taught. A good English student engages in literary analysis of every book they read. The question has led to some interesting discussions about narrative voice, genre, and audience in the past.'Subject: MedicineInterviewer: Robert Wilkins, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics


周二帝国 今天牛津 都面试完了。

如果还没面试,ic skype面试可以教你个小技巧,面试官会提前几天加你skype至少我是这样的,然后你可以去看他是教什么的,如果教physical chemistry,那他肯定会问你physical这方面的问题如此。。。我当时先是问why ic but not mit...然后问pv=nRT,这个as知识我三四年没接触,一点印象都没所以啥都没答出来。。。反正他也没啥耐心,直接索性问我我知道啥,我给他讲了两分钟benzene就被他挂了,总耗时9分47秒。

今天skype面牛津,三个大tutor上来先自我介绍,然后直接题。牛津我觉得能去英国一定要去英国,我这30分钟结果就是三道问题才讲完不到两道就没时间了,我估计会扣不少分。感觉ic你熟读alevel课本肯定能答出来,但牛津上来让我做的东西alevel从来没见过,但并不难。我开始误解了题目想的太多了,结果tutor忍不住直接给我答案了 再问了我俩相似的问题我理解后直接给出了正确答案。第二道大题是有机,前面都是alevel知识很快讲完了,然后问了我些alevel没讲过的有机知识,我给了几个错误答案后勉强答出来了,最后一道题问的我是cyclo alkane,越大越stable还是越小越stable,我用了一分钟不到没想出来。。。然后就告诉我没时间了 30分钟到了,就挂了。。。不过牛津面试没那么大的压力,感觉很relax。


抱歉哈我是理科生,对history of art不是特别了解..Oxford网站上关于它的面试是这么写的--What are tutors looking for?Candidates should show evidence of lively engagement with culture, both contemporary and historical. Prior knowledge of the history of art is absolutely not a requirement: many successful applicants have never studied the subject before university. What is looked for in applicants is a keen and critical observation of art and of the material environment in general. At interview, candidates are invited to demonstrate willingness to engage in focused discussion and debate about visual issues, and in addition to respond to one or more photographs of unfamiliar images (which applicants will not be expected to recognise).所以更看重的是你的想法/兴趣,对背景知识理论没有要求..(我认识的一位学这专业的同学在A-level也是学了art没学history of art或history。

)另外,面试中很可能会问你在A-level的coursework什么的,personal statement,以及为什么想学history of art(各个专业的面试多数都以这个问题开头)。好吧以上可能不是特别helpful不好意思..祝好运7a64e4b893e5b19e31333332393961啊加油!...


请问公务员面试都需要做哪些准备呀一、了解面试的流程和打分标准 1、现在的公务员面试一般都是结构化面试, 6、7个考官对一个考生。采用一问一答的方式进行面试面试结束后离开考场,下一个考生继续。 2、评分标...


公务员面试都考什么呀公务员面试测评八大要素包括:综合分析能力、言语表达能力、计划、组织、协调能力、应变能力、自我情绪控制、人际合作意识与技巧、求职动机与拟任职位的匹配性、举止仪表 。...

考研复试英语口语一般会遇到什么问题第一个经常问得话题是考研原因。通常我们可以从以下三个方面来回答。1) 兴趣,即强调对所报考的专业怀有极大的兴趣(have significant interest in…)。如果本科就读的专业与报考...

该去面试了应聘asp程序员都会问什么问题包括前台页面调用与后台模块编写,请列举SQL server 条最基本的数据操作语句 Insert;s结构网站开发.Net 核心是什么? 4 您能否根据需求独立完成b/,Select,Update和Delete. 3 怎...

教师面试会问一些什么问题一、自我介绍 一般先bai让应聘者作自我介绍,着du重说明自己的优势,zhi时间大约2—3分钟。通过这一程序,招聘者旨在了解应聘者的学习成绩,语言表达能力以及精明干练程度。 二、提...



2010重庆大学风景园林硕士复试和面试都考什么呀难度不大,但有快题设计,一般快题考试时间是3个小时或者6个小时。 通常面试的必答除了设计之外,会有一些自我介绍,对专业理论常识的询问,还有你的发展志愿,和对自己的专业的看法,之...
