

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文面试自我介绍怎么说]面试的时候,如果面试官要求你做英文面试自我介绍,你知道怎么说吗?如果不清楚,下面小编就跟大家分享一下英文面试自我介绍怎么说这篇文章,供大家参考。 I am a *****. Arians shou...+阅读


Good afternoon, professors: It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. Now i will introduce myself briefly, My name is***,**years old,born in ****. My major is Applied physics,and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june. In the past 3 years,i spend most of my time on study, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals. What\s more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is basketball. playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion. All in all, i choose the major in order to broad my view inphysics,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study. OK,That's all. Thankyou everyone! 拓展补充:

一、自我说明:自我说明是每所学校在英语口试时必考的问题,同学们一定要提前准备好,因为如果一个人在说明自己的时候都很嗑巴,那老师就会认为他的口语很差。 在准备自我说明时要注意两大原则:第一,符合自身,实事求是。我们无需贬低自己,但也不能过分夸大自己,千万不能无中生有地编写自己的经历,因为老师会针对你的自我说明随机挑选出他感兴趣的地方对你进行提问,如果你是虚构的,就很难说明白了。第二,把握时间,贴合主题。复试中每个人的英语口试时间也就两分钟左右,有些学校甚至限时一分钟,所以我们的自我说明不能长篇大论,只说明一下自身基本情况,再讲一下和考试相关的实践经历就可以了。

二、专业口语测试时老师有可能要求你就本专业展开话题,考查你用英语讲解陌生概念的能力。因此熟悉本专业常用的英语词汇,适当阅读最新的专业外文期刊是必要的。对有可能问到并展开的专业话题要有所准备。同学们可以事先阅读一些相关文章,积累一些专业上的词汇。当然提问的问题不可能难度太高,比如经管专业,老师可能就会问What is business management?In your opinion, what is the most important element in business management这样的一些简单问题。



大家下午好! 很高兴站在这里参加学生会的竞选活动。先为大家做一下自我说明,我叫xxx,来自xxx班。 刚刚迈入大学的我对大学生活充满了信心与憧憬,所以我来报名加入学生会生活部。我相信我有能力胜任这项工作,也正是这种驱动力,让我在来到这里的时候信心百倍。假如我竞选成功,我会为能加入这个组织而感到荣幸。我会尽最大努力帮助老师和学长们工作,为同学服务。我知道,再多的话语也只是一瞬间的智慧与激情,朴实的行动才是开在成功之路的鲜花。作为生活部的一员,我要成为对生活充满热情,对同学充满爱心的人 。 首先,我会作好学生应该做的本职工作,那就是学习,我会认真的把学习成绩搞好,进一步完善自己,提高各方面的素质,以饱满的热情和积极的心态去对待每一件事。

其次,我要协助学哥学姐们做好我们本部的工作,刚入大学的我对生活部的工作还不太了解,但是我认为生活部的工作就是负责我系学生校园生活建设,维护同学生活中的利益。宗旨是在同学中倡导文明健康的生活方式,关注学生弱势群体的校园文化生活,为构建和谐校园发挥积极作用。在工作中,我要以团队精神与他人合作,虚心学习,做到有错就改,有好的意见就接受;同时大胆创新,积极进取,更好地为同学们服务! 最后,我想说的是假如我当选,我会用百分之百的努力为同学们服务。拿破仑曾经说过:不愿当将军的士兵不是好士兵.我立志成为生活部的一员.各位领导请你们相信“没有最好,只有更好”!我相信有了领导的信任和同学们的支持,我们学生会的工作会更上一层楼。




Good morning,my dear professors. I feel so glad to meet all of you here. My name is XXX. I am XX years old. I study inXXX. My major in college is XXX. I think learning economy must to know the XXX,we useXXX XXXX

In the past one year. I have preparing for the postgraduate examination for it has been my dream to be a postgraduate. Like most of the XXX young people, I am straightforward person. I am aggressive, disciplined and responsable. In my spare time I like reading books and playing basketball. I am diligent during my college studying,

In my college, I actively response to the call of school, take part in all kinds of useful activities.

I always believe that we should stay hungry, stay foolish. Of course, if I have a chance to study in the famous university. I will try my best to promote my ability.


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