[英语面试对话场景]I:Interviewer(面试者) A:Applicant(求职者) 教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了介绍,但在面试时,面试官还有可能就此方面提问。还是事先做点准备吧。 ①I...+阅读
·过年了,俺给您整了幅对联!上联:为你苦,为你累,为你哗哗掉眼泪。下联:为你痴,为你狂,为你框框撞大墙。横批:关系岗岗的。预祝新年吉祥! ·新年将至,为了地球环境与资源,请减少购买传统纸制贺卡,你可在大面值人民币上用铅笔填上贺词,寄给我!感谢你对环保事业的支持!祝你幸福快乐! ·新春大吉!祝你人气超越圣母,财气敢当比尔盖茨之母,英气胜过萨达姆,帅气直追贝克汉姆,国际超人非你莫属! ·等我有了钱,我要用人头马给你冲厕所,用美钞给你点烟,用999朵玫瑰给你洗泡泡浴,用波音飞机接你上下班,用还珠格格给你当丫鬟!新年快乐! ·甭管大海再多水,大山再多伟,蜘蛛再多腿,辣椒再辣嘴,也甭管拉D有多鬼,美国有多累,总之春节你最美!新春快乐! ·这次发短信主要有两个目的:一是锻炼指法,二是联络感情,我很负责任的告诉你,今天除夕,新的一年马上来到了,送句有技术含量的话:春节快乐! · 四大幸事:除夕订到年夜饭,出门拦到出租车,串门拿到压岁钱,初一放假到十五;祝你正财、偏财、横财,财源滚滚;亲情、友情、私情,情情如意! ·因考虑到过几天会有铺天盖地的祝福短信堵塞网络,有理想有远见且智慧过人的举世无双宇宙超级无敌天才提前恭祝:古得古得死大滴,队队阿普,嗯得嗨皮牛野儿! ·新年到了,想我吗?想我就按,再按,你那么想我吗?我说想我才按。
还按!没想到你这样想我,好感动!又按!我热泪盈眶。 ·我问过烦恼了,它根本不爱你,还说永远不理你,让我转告你不要自作多情!还有,健康让我带封情书给你:它暗恋你好久了,并且一生不变!新年快乐!我在专卖店买了二斤的时尚,从超市购了三斤的浪漫,自制了八斤的快乐,从心底切下一吨的关怀,做个牛年大礼送给你!
What's your name? May I have your name?
您贵姓? 请问您贵姓大名?.douban.com/group/topic/36102485/
Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea?
您要喝茶吗? 请问您想喝茶吗?
Over here, please. Could you come this way please?
这边请。 请您往这边走好吗?
* 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir.
* Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。
* 别说“I don't know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。
可以说“just a moment, please. I'll check that for you.” (请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。
我创作这个招聘小剧.主要是想通过见工,把有些人在生活中的一些坏习惯暴露出来,提醒别的人要注意生活小节,要懂得起码的礼貌.这样才能在职场中无往不胜. 希望你喜欢. 剧名: 见工Job Interview 人物: Mrs. Wang( interviewer, a manager of human resources) Linda (secretary) David Lee(interviewee 1, a college student) 地点: In the office of Mrs. Wang Linda is busy doing her clerical work when Mrs. Wang walks into the office. Linda: Good morning, Mrs. Wang! Mrs. Wang: Good morning, Linda. Linda: Would you like to have a cup of tea? Mrs. Wang: oh, thanks. Linda, please bring in the resumes for today's interview. I want to take a quick look first. Linda: Ok. I'll bring them in right away. Linda walks away. A moment later she returns with a cup of tea in one hand and some documents in the other hand. Linda: here you are. (She puts the tea and the documents on the desk.) Mrs. Wang: thank you, Linda. When is the appointment for interview? Linda: 9: 30. You still have 10 minutes. Mrs. Wang: ok. Give me a buzz then. 10 minutes later. David Lee walks in for the interview. Miss Chen calls from the outer office. Linda: hi, Mrs. Wang, David Lee is here now. Mrs. Wang: ok. Bring him in. Linda leads David Lee to the office. Linda: this way, please. David follows Miss Chen in and sits down at designated place. Linda walks out. Mrs. Wang: Hi, My name is Mrs. Wang, director of Human Resources. Nice to meet you. David: Nice to meet you, too. Mrs. Wang: well, tell me something about yourself, ok? David: my name is David lee. I graduated from XXX University. I have a master degree in business management and I have….. While David is speaking, he crosses his right leg on top of his left leg and he starts to shake his right leg. Mrs. Wang frowns. She tries to ignore that. “Now, tell me why you want to work here.” David: Three Stars Company is a prestigious company. It will be a great honor to…ar-choooooooo!(David sneezes) Mrs. Wang passes him some tissues. David takes some and starts to wipe his nose without any magic words(thank you). Mrs.Wang rolls her eyes in disbelief. What's even worse, David twists the tissues into a ball and throws the tissues to the waste basket from his seat but he misses it.. Mrs. Wang can't stand this any more. She gets up and says, “Divide, I think I have known you well enough. Please wait for our reply. Good bye and good luck! Linda! Linda! Next, please! Linda walks in and signals David to leave. David looks puzzled. He asks Mrs. Wang, “I can't believe the interview took such little time, I had prepared a lot to things. Mrs. Wang: I think you left something home or somewhere. Just go home and lie down. Think about what's missing. Ok? David walks away, still looks puzzled. The end
求职面试场景英语求职面试场景 场 景 一 : 那么,弗兰科西斯,你看我能获得这个职位吗? : 呃,哈罗德,这事不能由我做主,要由董事会来决定。 : 是的,我明白。但我知道你的话是举足轻重的。那位女士不可能...
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要个工作面试场景的英文对话我创作这个招聘小剧.主要是想通过见工,把有些人在生活中的一些坏习惯暴露出来,提醒别的人要注意生活小节,要懂得起码的礼貌.这样才能在职场中无往不胜. 希望你喜欢. 剧名: 见工J...
求5句简单的求职英语对话和5句简单的离别对话求职 A: Hello Mr.John, please tell us why should we hire you? B: Hello Mr.Smith, I can state that I have ten years of experiences of working in this business an...
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英语口语简单4人对话急需!谢谢!!Making an AppointmentD,T是中国学生,R,G是外籍教师。他们在一起谈论去长城的事。 D: Robert, have you ever been to the Great Wall? R: No, I've been in Beijing for mor...