

05月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试刁难题回答]1、谈谈你自己吧 2、你有什么问题要问吗? 3、你的期望待遇是什么? 4、为什么想离开目前的工作? 5、你觉得自己最大的长处为何? 6、你觉得自己最大的弱点(缺点)是什么? 7、你多快可...+阅读


1.Firstly, i think this is a sunrise industry,china is more and more strong in the world,it attracts people from all over the world come to china and experience the changes in china.secondly,i like travelling,i want to travel not only all over the china,but also in the world,if i have a chance to be a travel guild,i will regard it as my whole life career.

2.I will update my knowledge in my spare time,i am sure that it is a better way to increase my knowledge during the work.

3.I need to know the history of all travel spots,location,common sense,how to be a travel guide,etc.

4.I wouldn't feel bad,if this time i gave a poor recommendation,next time i would give the right recommendation.



Good morning Sir (or Madam or XXX)! My name is Lihua, I am from XXX, It's good to be here, and I would like to apply the English tour guide, I like travel very much so I know what a person on a trip really needs and how to serve them better, further more learning and speaking English is one of my favorite my hobby so my English is well grounded, and I can speak a fluent English due to the frequent chatting with foreign friends trough phone or computer. I have a cheerful charactor, quick wittedness, and I good at communicating with people. I grew up in this city so I am fully familiar with the city history and culture.


还有就是和您确定一下我觉得您应该是面试您所在城市的导游对吗 呵呵


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