4. Television Is Good for People
TV may be a vital factor in holding a family together where there are, for example, economic problems and husband and wife seem at breaking point. The dangerous influence is surely no more than what all of us are exposed to every day. . . in advertising, in the press.
Primary and secondary education he improved out of all recognition
since the arrival of TV in the home and this is not only because of programmes designed for schools. Through TV a child can extend his knowl
edge and it provides vital food for his imagination.
5. Television Is to Blame
TV passes on to children the corrupting values of a corrupt society.
It's only a matter of time before we can give statistical evidence'of how many criminals society has given birth to in front of the TV on Saturday night.
You can blame TV for the fact that children take longer to learn to read these days and barely see the point any more of acquiring the skill. In my opinion watching TV should be strictly confined to treats.
口语训练法1、口语速成训练法 毕业生大都忙着找工作,不可能像以前一样拿起英语书来学习。长时间不碰英语,突然间要用时,一些词语和表达方法感觉就在嘴边却怎么也想不起来,令人心焦。对于想...
英语口语:不受欢迎的cold fish你的办公室里有coldfish吗?Coldfish是指那些对人很冷淡,很不友好,根本没有意思和别人友好相处的人。这些人往往不受人欢迎。 下面这个例子就能说明coldfish的意思。一些朋友在...
入关常用英语口语一 入关 麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please? 这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is. 旅行的目的为何? What;s the purpose of your visit? (移...
外教口语学习方法英语口语八秘诀1.listen to yourself(听自己).如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。试着把你的朗读或演说录下来,并与以英语为母语的外国人士做个比较。 2.slowdown(慢下来).很...
2010年商务英语考试BEC高级口语经验小结炎热的5月,见证了BEC高级考生挥汗如雨的奋战。我在北外考场以口语考官的身份,考差了14对、28人的高级口语。下面是一些点评。问过姓名之后,就是Where are you from?这道题,我的...
英语口语中超奏效的简短赞美You he a good sense of humor. 你真幽默。(别人讲笑话不管好笑不好笑,都用这句。) Your Chinese is really surprising! 你的中文令人惊讶!(用来鼓励说汉语的老外。) You he a ve...
英语口语:On edge 烦躁不安李华和Larry今天到购物中心去采购圣诞礼物。 LH: 我真搞不懂耶!还有几个星期就要过圣诞节了,可是有些人看起来好像不是很开心,好像很紧张,很烦躁呢! LL: Oh, well, when people a...
英语口语:I have a bad vibe 我有种不祥的预感Larry和李华在教室里等Jones教授把改完的考卷发下来。 LL: Li Hua, I he a very bad vibe about this test. LH: 你觉得你考得怎么样?bad vibe是什么意思啊? LL: A vibe is a...