

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

职称英语考试理工类A级阅读理解题How the First Stars in the Universe Came into ExistenceHow the first stars formed from this dust and gas has been a burning question for years,but a state-of-the-art puter simulation now offers the most detailed picture yet of how these first stars in the universe came into existence,researchers say.The position of the early universe was quite different from that of today,and the physics that governed the early universe were also somewhat simpler.Dr.Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S.incorporated these conditions of the early universe,sometimes referred to as the cosmic dark ages,to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness.The result is a detailed deion of the formation of a protostar-the early stage of a massive primordial star of our universe,and the researchers'puter simulation,which has been called a cosmic Rosetta Stone.sets the bar for further investigation into the star formation process.The question of how the first stars evolved is so important because their formations and eventual explo-sions provided the seeds for subsequent stars to e into being.According to their simulation,grity acted on minute density variations in matter,gases,and the mysteriousdark matter''of the universe after the Big Bang in order to form this early stage of a star-a protostar with a mass of just one percent of our sun.The simulation reveals how pre-stellar gases would he actually evolved under the simpler physics of the early universe to form this protostar.Dr.Yoshida's simulation also shows that the protostar would likely evolve into a massive star capableof synthesizing hey elements,not just in later generations of stars,but soon after the Big Bang.This geneal picture of star formation,and the ability to pare how stellar objects form in different time periods and regions of the universe,will eventually allow investigation into the originsof life and plas,said Lars Hernquist,a Professor of Astronomy at Harvard University and a coauthor of this latest report.The abundance of elements in the universe has increased as stars heaccumulated,he says,and the formation and destruction of stars continues to spread these ele. ments further across the universe.So when you think about it.a11 of the elements in our bodies originally formed from nuclear reactions in the centers of stars,long ago.Their simulation of the birth of a protostar in the early universe signifies a key step toward theambitious goal of piecing together the formation of an entire primordial star and of predicting the massand properties of these first stars of the universe.More powerful puters,more physical data,andan even larger range will be needed for further calculations and simulations,but these researchers hope to eventually extend this simulation to the point of nuclear reaction in.itiation-when a stellar ob. ject bees a true star.Dr.Yoshida has taken the study of primordial star formation to a new level with this simulation,but it still gets us only to the halfway point towards our final goal.It is like laying the foundation of a skyscraper,said Volker Bromm,Assistant Professor of Astronomy at the University of Tex. as,Austin and the author of a panion article.We must continue our studies in this area to un-derstand how the initially tiny protostar grows,layer by layer,to eventually form a massive star.Buthere,the physics bee much more plicated and even more putational resources are needed.31.According to the first two paragraphs,the early universe_______.A.was governed by simpler physicsB.got fewer stars shinning in itC.started over 13 billion years agoD.was posed in a way similar to that of today


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