Tough problems. Intense petition. No pressure.
Do you he exceptional programming skills? Can you make puters perform like silicon puppets with just a few well-expressed mands? Are you at ease when faced with a hard stop and a group of peers evaluating every line of your code? Heres your opportunity to display the grace of the true professional in a reward-rich environment.
Google is looking for engineers with the programming skill to rewrite the world's information infrastructure. The Google Code Jam 2003 is one way we hope to find them. While we don't impose arbitrary deadlines on our engineers, we do put a premium on well-implemented code. And we appreciate the thought process required to create it. In fact, we appreciate clear thinking in all its forms, from puzzle solving to chess mastery (one of our interns was an International Grand Master).
Say it your way
Use Ja, C++, C# or VB.. Pick any of these programming languages to code your solutions. All are acceptable and none is given an advantage.
How it works
The tournament is a timed contest where all participants pete online to solve the same problems under the same time constraints. Heres the line-by-line documentation:
Download the Arena
The TopCoder? petition Arena (a Ja Applet) is where you begin. Download the app, read the problem statements, then code solutions, pile and test those solutions and submit the code for points. You can download the arena ahead of time to work on sample problems prior to the petition.
Coding Phase
At the designated date and time, petitors enter the Arena and are placed in groups of ten into virtual rooms. All participants are presented with the same set of three problems of escalating difficulty. In a race to see who can create an accurate solution in the shortest amount of time, petitors try to out-think and out-code their opponents. The Leader Board tallies the points during each step of the petition.
Challenge Phase
During the Challenge Phase, petitors view each other's code and try to break' that code by passing test cases through the submitted code, with the hope that the results are not satisfied by the software written. Breaking another developer's code is the most direct form of petition for a programmer. In this phase, points are awarded for successful challenges and deducted for unsuccessful challenges.
System Tests
Within minutes of the end of the Challenge Phase, the automated, objective system tests determine the accuracy of all submissions and award final points to all petitors. The assessment of your performance and presentation of stats is nearly instantaneous, as is the gratification of knowing how you did against a petitive field.
Are You Ready?
Registration for the Google Code Jam 2003 opens on October 1st and ends on October 15th, 2003. Registration is unlimited, but only the top 500 scorers from the Qualification Round will advance to Round 1 of the Code Jam 2003 on October 24th.
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