[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读
Japanese Tea Ceremony
In the eighth century,the custom to drink green tea was brought from China to Jaapan by a monk.SEN Rikyu finally established the fundation of tea ceremony in the sixxteenth century. Sen Rkyu-1522-1591-,the greastest sixteenth century tea master,identified the sppirit of the Way of Tea with four basic principles of harmony,respect,purity,and tranqquilty.There are three major styles of the tea ceremony.Firstly,'NODATE'in Japanese.At Japanese garden or at least in open-air,we he a tea ceremony,In this case,a caarpet is rolled out in the garden and we sit on our heels.second one is 'Isu-Seki'or'RRyureitea ceremony'in Japanese,where'Isu'means achair and'Seki'means the ceremony.So in Isu-Seki,you don't need to sit on your heels.You can sit on a chair and drink attea.This is the easier style than the others.Then the last one is the mose popular wway.an indoor cermony.Officially we he it in a special Japanese room,called'Chashhitsu'in Japanese,where'cha'means tea and 'shitsu'means a room.'Cha-shitsu'is an i ndeppendent small cottage furnished with 'Ro' a special charcoal furnace.Only rich people may he such luxury.Usually a normal Japanese room,Washitsu with portable charoal furnacce,instead of Cha-Shitsu,is popularly used to hold a tea ceremony nowadays.
1.Please translate these key words inEnglish base on this article
Tea ceremony
Tea master
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