

09月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com



英文:Dear leader,Hello!My name is dawn. I graduated from class 4, grade 07, university of north China.Today, with a calm and excited mood, I present this cover letter. Calm comes from self-confidence, as a fresh graduate from the social melting pot, I am confident to learn what I have learned and what I can do for you. The excitement is due to the transformation from the role of the student to the role of the social worker, and I will adapt, learn and return with the greatest advantage.As an English major, I love my major, in the four years of study life, I learned information including from the basis of knowledge of English (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to the translation and other aspects of practical application. In various related practices and internships with the course, I have some practical skills and technical experience. Now I have passed cet-4; Take a second foreign language and have a simple conversation in French; Familiar with basic computer operation, such as word,excel and powerpoint; Passed the mandarin test. I believe this knowledge will be of great help to me in my future work.I am easy-going and reserved. A great deal of social practice has made me confident and willing to participate in social competition. All you have to do is provide a stage, I will return with young life, vigorous vitality to return you a wonderful!Thank you very much for reading my cover letter and sincerely hope that your work is thriving!advance salute Dawn JingCheng 中文:尊敬的领导:您好!我叫黎明,毕业于北师大外语系07级4年制班。


我性格随和,内敛稳重。大量的社会实践工作,使我变得自信,勇于参与社会竞争。您要做的只是提供一个舞台,我将以年轻的生命、蓬勃的朝气来还您一片精彩!最后感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的职信,并衷心希望贵单位工作蒸蒸日上!此致 敬礼 黎明敬呈




My personality extrovert, the thought is agile, good quality, honesty, punctual, serious and responsible work actively. During the accumulated experience and work ability, loose but do not lose cool-headed, work conscientiously, and perseverance have patience, Solid professional knowledge and culture, and a strong ability to learn, to adapt to the new environment and investment, Rich social practice that I have a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork ability, accept others modestly opinion and the suggestion, hard-working, passion, through active efforts to achieve their own value, and work in the largest contribution to make.







Hello everyone! My is......, from Qinzhou. I'm so glad to meet you, and I'm currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School. my major is knitting. It's my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field.

My English is limited that's why I'm here. I know it's a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you!


学习能力较强,工作勤奋务实,态度认真负责,爱岗敬业,细心耐心,表达和沟通能力较好,乐观自信,拼博进取。 大学期间我学习更加勤奋优异,四年中,所有各门课程平均成绩达86分,2004-2008连续四年学习成绩第一,并获校级一等奖学金及其奖状,三好学生奖状,成为入党积极分子,获得英语四级,六级考试合格证书,教师资格证,普通话证,计算机国三网络技术,贰级VF合格证书,国家励志奖学金,助学金。英语专业四级第一次55分的成绩,第二次57分的成绩。专八刚考过,考得还行。作为英语专业师范生,我学习了英语专业课程,英语教学法,教育学,教育技术,心理学,普通话,计算机等重要课程,使我较好地掌握了英语师范生应有的知识和技能。 进行了许多实践。

课余时积极参加各种活动,每年都进行英语家教带班使我教了小学到高中各个阶段,对教育有了更深的了解。我的实践能力和各方面综合素质得到了锻炼和提高。在大庆第三中学进行长期实习,锻炼和增长英语教学经验和知识技能,得到了师生的好评。 善于并多次做过powerpoint课件制作和教学作品设计,参加教师技能比赛, 英语演讲大赛,英语歌曲及简笔画和征文活动。 参加各种实践活动,养成了良好的组织能力和团结协作精神。


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