[一封成功的求职自我推荐信]罗总: 您的事很多,但希望您能看完。 我是一名经历过坎坷,尝过甜酸苦辣的人。 因为敢于冒险,而品味过成功的丰硕果实;因为探索冒险,也体验过触礁的震荡与凄凉。 但是,这一切都锤炼...+阅读
to whom it may concern
ms li was an senior employee of mfg from the very begining to right now( about 1year). she was employed to lead both operation and purchasing division for the duration of her time here.
within this time, ms li proved herself to be a dilighted and valuable supervisor and a partner to boss. he coplete her givings and instruct her staff to carry out project in the time allocated. these work include first - phrase preparations for the new factory, making quotation and counter offer for buying raw materials, receiving orders and negotiating with customers, analysing and make schedule for bulk production, as well as dealing with great number of database and daily affairs. busy she is, she was always willing to help others, she is a very hard working person and pleted all her tasks to our full satisfaction. through her friendly manners and loyalty to her boss, she were loved and respected by the team.
in addition, ms li had no problem adjusting to the operation dealing. it was a great pleasure for us to work with ms li and we would like to take this opportunity to wish her every success for her future career.
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