[中英文毕业赠言]中英文毕业赠言 1.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情...+阅读
和在二十四况中处于首位,而且和的内涵几乎涵盖了所有二十四况,其所首重者和也。在对和况的说明中,作者首先讲到:稽首至圣心通造化,德协神人,理一身之性情,以理天下人之性情,这说明和受到了儒家中和思想的影响。《中庸》中说发而皆中节,谓之和,所以和首先指出古琴音乐应该是合乎礼仪道德的(ethical),是禁止淫邪,正人心的(forbidding people to he any lewd and vicious idea),而且是乐以修德的(Music is used to cultivate ones virtue.)。众音之款会,优柔平中则说明和应该是中庸的(according with the doctrine of mean)、和谐的(harmonious)。论和以散和为上,按和为次则强调和是不加雕琢的(plain)、自然的(natural)。弦与指和、指与音和、音与意和则说明和应是有节制的(controlled)。音从意转,意先乎音,音随乎意则强调意念(idea)与弹奏(plucking)应该紧密结合,而意念应神闲气静(carefree and peaceful)、蔼然醉心(calm and intoxicated)。
不以性情中和相遇,而以为是技也,所以和强调演奏古琴不能仅仅注意演奏技巧,还应考虑演奏者的道德修养(morality)、心理状态(psychological condition)、审美情趣(aesthetic taste)都能达到良好的状况。
静首先是指声音的安静(quietness),声厉则知指躁,声粗则知指浊;其次是指心理的平静(calm),淡泊宁静,心无尘翳。而求静的方法则在于调气练指。调气就是调整心理状态(to adjust the psychological condition),使其达到淡泊宁静心无尘翳;练指就是控制手指(to control the fingers),避免弹出粗厉之声(the rough and disagreeable sound)。所以调气则神自静,练指则声自静。
三曰清(clear and melodious;pure)
指求其劲,按求其实,则清音始出不染纤毫浊气,傍弦绝无客声,这两句说明清是指一种清脆(clear and melodious)纯净(pure)的音色,与暗淡柔和(faint)的音色相反。究夫曲调之清,则最忌连连弹去,亟亟求完则说明清与静一样,也要求演奏者要从容婉转(leisurely and agreeable),要有控制(controlled)。另一方面,文中还指出清者,大雅之原本(Qing is the origin of elegance),要求演奏者在演奏时,必须作到地僻(Music should be played in a secluded place.)弦洁(Music must be pure.)心静(The player must be calm.)气肃(The attitude of the player must be earnest.),使欣赏者能够联想到澄然秋潭(The music reminds the audiences of the deep pool in autumn)皎然寒月(and the moon in winter.),而且令人心骨俱冷,体气欲仙(The audiences are drunk in music so much that they want to transcend the worldly and bee the celestial beings.)。
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