

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语辞职信格式]一般首先提出辞职申请,然后陈述辞职的理由或原因,最后陈述辞职申请的决心和个人的具体要求,希望领导解决的问题等; 4、结尾:一般为一些感谢的话,感谢领导,感谢公司的培养及表达不...+阅读

Personal Information Name: xxx Gender: male Date of Birth: 1986/05/12 Residency: HuangShi Zip Code: 435002 Career Objective:English Teacher Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx Email: user#t135. Political Background:probationary party member Leadership Position:the chair of league member Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village Work Experience 2005/07-2005/9:mended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing 2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing 2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi 2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch Education 2004/09--2007/06 XianNing University English Education Associate 2007/09--2009/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor Training 2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher Language Skills English excellent Japanese erage Certifications 2008/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236 2007/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088 2006/06 CET-6 061242066001800 2005/12 provincial puter Level Test Band1 2005121141345 2004/12 Mandarin Chinese R ating Certificate X1140430787 2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate 20074210730000459 Honors/Awards national scholarship the first ranking scholarship the second ranking scholarship 3 goods student outstanding student leader9 f2 m: # H, excellent League Member the second price in teacher skill petition in HuBei Normal University the first price in normal students teaching lesson the third price in studentsacqierement the outstanding price in first term in Telemunications Cup Resume petition Self Assessment self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education


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