

12月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[幼儿园教师毕业感言2014]幼儿园教师的毕业感言(1) 时间总是过得很快,转眼间一个学期又过去了,大班的孩子就要毕业了,看着这群孩子,想当初刚升大班时,看到他们总觉得他们还小,是那样的秩嫩,经过一年的学习,孩...+阅读


Today is May 13th, and today you graduate, and today you already know what I know: to get where you're going, you he to be good, and to be good where you're going, you he to be damned good. Every once in a while, you'll succeed. Most of the time you'll fail, and most of the time the circumstances will be well beyond your control.

When we were casting my first movie, A Few Good Men, we saw an actor just 10 months removed from the theater training program at UCLA. We liked him very much and we cast him in a small, but featured role as an endearingly dimwitted Marine corporal. The actor had been working as a Domino's Pizza delivery boy for 10 months, so the news that he'd just landed his first professional job and that it was in a new movie that Rob Reiner was directing, starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, was met with happiness. But as is often the case in show business, success begets success before you've even done anything, and a week later the actor's agent called. The actor had been offered the lead role in a new, as-yet-untitled Milos Forman film. He was beside himself. He felt loyalty to the first offer, but Forman after all was offering him the lead. We said we understood, no problem, good luck, we'll go with our second choice. Which, we did. And two weeks later, the Milos Forman film was scrapped. Our second choice, who was also making his professional debut, was an actor named Noah Wyle. Noah would go on to bee one of the stars of the television series ER and hasn't stopped working since. I don't know what the first actor is doing, and I can't remember his name. Sometimes, just when you think you he the ball safely in the end zone, you're back to delivering pizzas for Domino's. Wele to the NFL.


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