

06月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文专业大学生职业规划]第一章:自我认知 自我认知是对自己进行全方位,多角度的分析 1.个人基本情况我是一个别开朗又不内向的人,与人交往融洽,细心有条理。不喜欢竞争和冒险,喜欢自由自在的生活,喜欢按自...+阅读


basic information

Name: Mr. S

Gender: Male

Wedlock: Single

Nation: Han

Residence: Henan-Zhumadian

Age: 29

Location: Guangdong-Zhuhai

Height: 180cm

Target Locations: Guangdong-Dongguan、 Guangdong-Guangzhou、 Guangdong-Shenzhen

Target Positions: Financing/Audit/Stat.-Cost Manager/Supervisor

Financing/Audit/Stat.-Cost Accounting Specialist

Financing/Audit/Stat.-Finance Analysis

Target Jobs: Sr cost accountant、 Cost supervisor


2004-09 ~ 2008-07 Anyang Institute of Technology Accounting Bachelor Degree

【pany name】 (2011-10 ~ Present)

pany Type: Multinational Enterprise pany Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics

Job Title: cost accountant Positions: Cost Accounting Specialist

Job Deion: 1.Collect annual revenue FCST (supported by SM) and MCOS (from BAAN) status, to prepare annual sales VAM% FCST report;

2.Base on sits actual operation expense trend, annual Capital investment FCST and sales VAM% FCST, to prepare annual profit budget report and submit to Top management for approval.

3.Timely and accurately input approved annual profit budget data into OLS system before deadline, ensure all segments OP% he over 1%;

4.pare,analyze and ment on big gap btw current and last FCST;

5.pare and analyze current DL,IDL,MOH cost depend on history level;

6.Prepare site weekly sales VAM and actual PL report,timely analyze and find the gap reason for actual VS last FCST;

7.Monitor daily inventory movement in BAAN,reduce inventory risk by timely write off the abnormal;

8.Monitor STD system movement in BAAN,manual adjustment PPV to inventory account when monthly closing;

9.Calculate supplier rebate,claim notice,order cancellation case base on cost sheet when necessary;

10.Paticipate Lean sing project,in charge of sites Lean,PE,Operation sing report;

11.Prepare internal and external audit report when need;

Reason for Leing: Seek better development

【pany name】 (2008-12 ~ 2011-09)

pany Type: Private Enterprise pany Category: Furniture,Household appliances,Handicrafts,Toys

Job Title: cost accountant/supervisor Positions: Cost Accounting Specialist

Job Deion: ***as cost accountant

1.Mornitor BOM and STD material movement in ERP system;

2.Validate and confirm material issue note in ERP system,prepare monthly material consumption report by production and non-production category;

3.Collect monthly output and DL cost from PMC and GL,to pute unit product cost;

4.Prepare monthly sales VAM report;

5.Take part in monthly or annual inventory blind count activity;

***as cost supervisor

1.Collect,pare and analyze monthly report from cost accountant,prepare and issue monthly final costing report;

2.In charge of monthly or annual inventory count activity,issue final cycle count report with improvement suggestion when need;

3.Issue sample and new product quotation with full invested cost and VAM to general manager for approval;

4.Prepare sales VAM report on FG promption scheme launched by SM to general manager for approval;

Reason for Leing: Seek better development

Project Experience

Multek_zhuhai_costing team (2012-06 ~ Present)

Job Title: site cost accountant

Project Deion: Every site of Multek_zhuhai will assign a cost account to anize a costing team,its purpose to correct current costing calculation and control method,keep it align with the parent-Flex,aim to costing resource sharing between Multek_zhuhai.

Responsibility: 1.Prepare reasonable costing calculatiotn way and sample report to management for apporval base on sites production actual;

2.Reduce production variance and enhance production line cost control by narrow BOM and enlarge EDM material field;

3.Enhance prior cost control to operation by preparing PL FCST report base on revenue status what SM provides;

4.Enhance current cost control to operation by preparing and analysis the gap between weekly sales VAM actual PL report and last FCST;

5.Reduce inventory hold risk by enlarge inventory field and timly write off the idle;

6.Launching Lean sing activity in Multek, sites cost accountant in charge of site sing projects mornitor and validation respectively.

Special Skills

Professional Title: skilled

puter Level: national puter exam. grade 2

puter Skills: Passed visual fox pro 7.0 examination at junior.

Strengths: Familar with BAAN,SAP,other ERP system,good at MS_Excel Function and Chart.

Language Skills

Chinese: Good Cantonese: General

English Level: CET-4 Spoken Good

Career Objective

Career Direction: Desired Industry: PCB manufacture,Electronics,or other multinational pany.


Self Info.

Self Assessment: 5 years costing work experience,2 years in multinational coporation.good at finance accounting field.

Hobbies: Basketball(PF),cinema,China history.


Certificate of Bachelors Degree(***) 2008-07-01

CET-4 2005-12-01

National puter Rank Examination Level 2 2007-04-01

Certificate of Accounting Professional 2008-04-01


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