

07月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语推荐信格式][推荐者名姓 职位 公司名称 地址] [Name Street City State Zip Code] [Phone # Fax phone # Email address] [Date today月日年] To Whom It May Concern: It is my great p...+阅读

** in XX as a trel agency sales, stores primarily responsible for the reception of guests

** in XX as a trel agency primarily responsible for sales of products sold in europe and other lines, independent process to resolve the problems in the sales.

a web site in XX as marketing assistant main duties:

online and offline activities, planning, implementation, activities on-site implementation

in XX, as a sales job * trel, mainly responsible for the reception guests outlets

XX in * * trel as sales is mainly responsible for the marketing europe etc, independent in solving product lines in the process of sales.

a website in XX as the market assistant responsibilities:

online and offline event planning, execution, the execution

in XX,i was engaged in sales work in an agent, mainly in charged of reception of retail customers,and in XX, i was in charged of sales of goods aimed at europe and independently solved the problems in the sale process. in XX,i worked as marketing assistant in a website, my main duties concerning online or offline event planning, execution and so on.


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