

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Breakfast The complete standard English breakfast include the following foods: bacon, eggs, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, fried sausage, black pudding and sometimes fries and ketchup soybeans, of course, will have coffee or tea table. Staples normally bread-bombing. In recent years, the British began to traditional breakfast nutrition ratio questioned their breakfast menu has "functional Breakfast" change: more and more Britons opting cereals, vegetable salad, fruit, as the main breakfast food. Chinese meal A fundamental part of the proportion of the British people do not eat lunch, and the rest is "lightning" solution. The most popular lunch is a sandwich, there are other Western-style bread. With fries, orange juice, coffee and some fruit. Afternoon tea Afternoon tea is a British classic day in the most colors and patterns a meal, composed of a variety of confections (muffins, butter cake, Jean, sweet circle, butter pretzels, sandwiches, cheese bread); All kinds of tea (Earl (Earl Gray), Darjeeling (Darjeeling), Ceylon tea); and milk, sugar, coffee and countless spices. Britons now drink tea in general is a dessert in the tea +1 with. Dinner Dinner is British meals, food is more abundant. First, soup, the most common is the English-cream soup, corn soup and mushroom cream soup; Foreign vegetables and stews and I was very welcomed. General appetizer dish salad is lemon juice or soiled the fish. Main courses is still roasted beef, lamb or pork and vegetables and baked potatoes. And there are fish, hamburgers and other food to eat fried fries, or just raw salt and vinegar fries. English-style dishes very large family in general is a meat and two vegetables. (Vegetable dishes relatively small ) Desserts include: Steaming Liquid Egg with, cakes, steamed Jam Vol potatoes, syrup pudding, strawberry pie, plus some fruit. The summer they eat ice cream.


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