[澳大利亚的著名景观简介中英文对照版简介150字左右]大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef.它是澳大利亚东北海岸3000多个珊瑚岛礁的总称,纵向分布于离岸16至240公里的海上,沿昆士兰海岸连绵2000多公里,是世界上最大的活珊瑚礁群。 悉尼歌剧...+阅读
梅峰揽胜,位于千岛湖中心湖区西端的状元半岛上,距千岛湖镇12公里。它以群岛星罗棋布、港湾纵横交错、生态环境绝佳而被确定为千岛湖的一级景点。登上梅峰观景台,可以纵览300余座大小岛屿,是目前千岛湖登高揽胜的最佳处。“不上梅峰观群岛,不识千岛真面目”,这是到过梅峰的中外游客对其群岛风光的一致赞誉。原国家旅游局局长刘毅在登上梅峰观景台忍不住为眼前妙景题下“梅峰奇观”四字横匾。 Meifeng Range Rover, at the western end of Lake Lakes Center for the champion Peninsula, 12 kilometers from the town of Lake. It is spread all over, criss-crossing Harbor, excellent ecological environment has been identified as one of the attractions Lake. Meifeng on the viewing platform, you can size overview Block 300 islands, is the best Range Rover Denggao Qiandao Department. "Meifeng concept is not, and did not know the true face of the Kuril", which is visited Meifeng Chinese and foreign tourists for its scenery, is the unanimous praise. Former State Secretary for Tourism Meifeng Liu Yi in the board could not help viewing platform for the immediateGood sceneryunder the "Meifeng wonders"Importantwords.
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