

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[巴黎圣母院简介]故事简介 丑聋人卡西莫多被巴黎圣母院的神父克洛德收养,做撞钟人,外貌正经的克洛德神父自从遇见美丽的吉普赛少女爱斯美拉达后,被其美色所诱而神魂颠倒,指使卡西莫多强行掳走爱...+阅读

Paris is the capital city of France. It is situated on the River Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region ("Région parisienne"). Paris has an estimated population of 2,153,600 within city limit (2005 est.).The Paris urban area has a population of 9.93 million;a vast commuter belt around the same completes the Paris "aire urbaine" (roughly: "metropolitan area") that, with its population of 11.5 million,is one of the most populated areas of its kind in Europe.

Paris' location at a crossroads between land and river trade routes in lands of abundant agriculture had made it one of France's principal cities by the 10th century, rich with royal palaces, wealthy abbeys and a cathedral; by the 12th century Paris had become one of Europe's foremost centres of learning and the arts. Today, Paris is a major influence in politics, fashion, business, arts and science. The city serves as an important hub of intercontinental transportation and is home to universities, sport events, opera companies and museums of international renown, making it an attraction for over 30 million foreign visitors per year.

The Paris region (Île-de-France) is France's foremost centre of economic activity. With




巴黎圣母院的剧情简介美丽善良的吉普赛姑娘埃斯米拉达白天靠跳舞卖艺为生,晚上则和一群自称“乞丐王国”的穷苦人居住在一起。埃斯特拉达的美貌倾国倾城,却给她引来了杀身之祸。 国王卫队的队长菲...


毕业设计英文摘要Abstract in the now network time, the network superiority is self-evident, face the network programming technology certainly is also one of popular topics. Alon...

项目管理案例教程的内容简介《项目管理案例教程 第2版》以一些项目开展项目管理的实际操作和经验为例,结合现代项目管理理念和国际项目管理的规范做法,介绍现代项目管理知识与技术在项目实践中的应用过程...


众泰新能源汽车云100公司简介云100是众泰控股集团江南汽车制造有限公司推出的一款A00级纯电动汽车。它采用三元锂电池,最高时速大于85公里/小时,续航里程达150公里以上, 可享受国家4.75万补贴,及各地政府不...

