[剑桥商务英语考试的相关事项]剑桥商务英语(BEC)是英国剑桥大学为非母语英语国家的商务人员设计的一套标准化学习系统。 BEC是Business English Certificate的简称,是求职就业者最权威的英语能力证明,是使用...+阅读
Mechanics is an industry so ubiquitous that is nearly impossible to be summarized in several words yet so important to our civilization that is manifested in every single area of human endeavor. It is mechanics that makes the world we are living in so convenient and so efficient as it is now. From those simple-structured fix-gear bicycles to those cutting-edge F-22 Raptor stealth fighters, mechanics serves as the foundation of human labor. It is also an industry that has a splendid history that can be dated back to those ancient cultures, but in the same time it is so promising that is still essential to the world today and will be indispensible within the predictable future. Despite its chronic and systematic development, it is still believed that mechanics has a long way to go, such as the improvement of precision on manufacturing, the combination of mechanical design and computational technologies making designing more efficient and more labor saving, etc. Anyway, mechanics has played, is playing, and will play a major role in the process of modernization of the society.全是自己写的,这是我当年申请出国时自述里面用到的句子的简化,改了一点点。
英语类的大型考试如GRE剑桥商务英语等分别详细描述含义: 全称Graduate Record Examinations,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。 考试形式: Verbal(词汇)与Quantitive(数学)部分为笔试。 Analytical Writi...
关于考剑桥商务英语BEC中级 经济科学出版社 这是标准教材 可以买同一个出版社出的同步辅导,练习册和教师用书配套用 BEC中级真题 人邮电出版社 第三辑 详细: BEC中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(...
英语专业毕业论文题目翻译方向提供一些英语专业翻译方向的论文题目,供参考。 商务合同英汉互译技巧 英文品牌汉译 知识对于翻译的重要性 中英文化差异及其对英汉互译的消极影响 英语广告中修辞手法的应用...
关于介绍自己家乡和他乡不同的英语口试演讲Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to introduce my hometown to all of you.My hometown is Huian city. It is a beautiful city which has great history. There are a lot...
急求英语口语介绍自己家庭家乡学校这是一种: 各位老师早上好,非常荣幸能参加这次面试,我来自沈阳一中的学生,我叫XXX. Good morning, honourable teachers! I am honoured to be able to attend today's intervie...
英语口语面试1请介绍你自己家乡家庭个人爱好与特长I got your letter yesterday. I' m glad to know you will come to Beijing. I' m going to have a one-month holiday at that time.I can show you around Beijing. Ther...
如何写好商务英语专业的简历我想从事外贸行业唉,一转眼,做外贸这一行一年了。还好,从来没有愁过找工作,呵呵。 简历吗,以下只是个人建议: 1.不要做得太花哨,给人以华而不实的感觉。语言简练。最好一张纸。但也不要太挤。 2.要...
关于机械专业的英语小短文学科:工学 门类:机械类 专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化 业务培养目标:本专业培养具备机械设计制造基础知识与应用能力,能在工业生产第一线从事机械制造领域内的设计制造、科技...
对机械设计制造及其自动化专业的认识英语作文120字My school day. I get up at 6 o 'clock in the morning, and have breakfast at half past six, then go to school at seven o 'clock. We have nine lessons a day, to d...