

02月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学校毕业典礼上的讲话]敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 又是一个金色的四月,绿色的春天,伴着和煦的暖风,满载着六年的巨大收获,几个月以后,我们就要离开传承给我们文化知识的老师,即将离开和我们生活了六年的...+阅读

(Chang) graduation certificate means the end of life in the kindergarten, primary school life began. Future whether you go, when you see the graduation certificate, we will think of kindergarten, think of my dear teacher, cute little partner. Next we will award the diploma for large classes of children. Graduation award ceremony begins now, please, Mr. President of Jack we AI Yi Education Institutions Ai Yi educational institutions Mi Campus Project Director Ms. Gu Ke for our lovely children graduation certificates. (Chang) thank you for the children issued certificate, you should also have some words to entrust to our graduates. (the end of speech flowers) (free) except today is our class children's graduation ceremony is a special day...... It's father's Day ~ today let we together on our dad, dad dad say "Daddy happy oh!" (Chang) children, our fathers gift ready? Please have the following children on behalf of KindergartenA, KindergartenB and K2B class Children Chorus "I have a good father". (Chang) in the beautiful singing, we come to the end of today's program, in the cheerful melody, we ushered in the new hope, we believe that the future will be more wonderful! (Chang) the performance today to the end, AI Yi Mi kindergarten 2013 to 2014 school year Kindergarten Graduation success, thanks to the support and cooperation of parents towards our work, also for kids to show. Here on behalf of our entire park all teachers sincerely say "thank you". Thanks to the hard work of teachers, because of your hard work, will have today sweet harvest! In addition to thank the staff of all, to help provide for the whole activity, thank you. Wish the Ivy Group better, everyone is in good health! Everything goes well. (Chang) finally all dads can hold your hands invitation card to the exit for each class children are prepared for you a father's day gift. Finally once again pig father are happy father's day. Please exit in order. Thank you! We see you again next year!(望采纳


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