

02月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英国大学招生官想从你的推荐信中看到什么]一、找对写推荐信的老师 让老师写推荐信,要找熟悉自己的老师来写,若是这个老师刚好在你所申请的专业领域里颇有声望,那就再好不过了。 英国的招生官对于老师对学生的评价很看重...+阅读

Hello, I'm Du's instructor. Du has been studying in my school for two years. It is time for him to go abroad. His major is DIGITAL MEDIA. In my opinion, he should be given a good education and have a brighter future. Therefore, it is my pleasure to highly recommend this brilliant young student. In the past two years, although his English was not very good at the beginning, but he always kept trying and never give up any learning opportunities. He spent a lot of time on reading to improve his learning skills and always asked teachers for advice. Gradually, he achieved better results. However, he has never been satisfied or arrogant. Whenever he encountered challenges, he still has been modest and discussing with his classmates to find solutions. He is always very serious on any classes and getting along with students and teacher.

I highly recommend this student. Please feel free to contact should you have any questions!

Yours sincerely,



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