

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Japan (日本) is a country in Asia. It has many islands. Four of them are big, and the biggest is one of the largest islands in the world. The islands are on the east Asian coast in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.Japanese people call their country "Nihon" or "Nippon", which in Japanese means "the origin of the sun".(美国)The United States of America (also known as the United States, the US, or the USA) is a country on the continent of North America. In the United States of America there are 50 states. The United States is the third biggest country in the world. Its geography varies a lot. The United States does not currently have an official language, although the United States Congress has considered officially designating English as such for many years, since it is the most used language, and the language in which the United States Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution are written. Spanish has increased in usage in certain sectors of society, due to an influx of immigrants--especially from Mexico and Cuba.(英国) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, usually shortened to the United Kingdom, GB or UK, is a sovereign state in northwest Europe. It is made up of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. About 61 million people live in the UK. Most people in the UK speak English. There are several other native languages, other than English. They are Welsh in Wales, Gaelic and Scots in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Irish in Northern Ireland, and Cornish in Cornwall.


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