[谁帮我写份论文开题报告]光纤通信与IP传送技术 摘要:本文对光纤通信的发展现状作一简要总结与分析,并对未来的可能发展趋势作了展望;结合ATM,SDH,WDM等技术特点讨论了几种IP传送新技术。 关键词:光纤通...+阅读
Myself specialized: Electronic science and technology (electronicscience and technology) Hobby: Ballgame poetry martial arts Special skill: Soccer ping pong writing Social work: Once was appointed the pingpong class physicalculture commission presently also continuously is appointed the classand grade life committee once to join the pingpong feather association(to organize others to play a ball game) the greenbelt association(protection environment for subject) Merit: How writes as you like pulls any studious selflessaspiraing to pull Attains the award item (to be allowed not to write) for:2004year to attain the national scholarship 2,005 to attain the "sentimentis the Pukou" article big game second prize 2,006 wins the curriculumprize Technical innovation: When second year applied for school SRTP(Student research training program) the project: The multi-purposetelephone timer smoothly through replied and obtains "the good"result...
谁帮我写一个英文的个人简历啊!谢谢了Good afternoon, My name is XXX, since I was born in Tianjin this year 21, I was a junior intern, I come from the Tianjin Institute of Electrical and vocational...
谁能帮我写份应聘仓管的简历除了毕业学校、所学专业、性别、年龄、联络方式这些基本内容,你给企业准备的简历中还应该包括以下内容: 你的教育背景(包括所有相关的专业技能培训等)与应聘的职位及业务相关的...
找人帮我写份个人简历基本资料姓 名: 黄绍燕 性 别:男 出生日期:1983年12月24日 身 高:170 cm 婚姻状况: 未婚 身份证号码:44128219831224**** 户口所在地: 广东 广东 现在所在地: 广东 广州 白云区个人...
帮我写份个人简历个人简历模板 个人概况: 求职意向: ________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年 __月__日 健康状况: ___________ 毕业院校: _______________ 专业:...
请达人帮忙写份英文简历谢谢Personal CV Basic information Name: Yan Moutuan Gender: Male Date of birth: Sep 4th,1982 Political appearance: League member Education level: Bachelor Major: Ma...
帮我写份班长辞职信各位亲爱的通四班同学: 请原谅我以这样的方式向你们提出辞呈! 我几乎是在上任的一刹那就做好了辞职的准备,看过电视连续剧《黑夜彩虹》的同学一定还记得剧中男主角“天生”也是...
谁能帮我写份自荐信自荐信 尊敬的校领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料! 本人是XX班的XX,是XX学院X的应届毕业生。来自XX。 大学生活转瞬即逝,但我还是不得不说这几年终将成为我人生...
谁帮我写份大专机械毕业论文近年来,PLC在工业自动控制领域应用愈来愈广,它在控制性能、组机周期和硬件成本等方面所表现出的综合优势是其它工控产品难以比拟的。随着PLC技术的发展, 它在位置控制、过程控...