

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[能给介绍一下瑞士这个国家吗]瑞士概况 : 瑞士位于中欧的南部,四周为其它国家所包围,北面是德国,西面是法国,南临意大利,东接奥地利与列支敦士登,面积比荷兰略大,只有41293万平方公里。瑞士东西长348公里,南北距22...+阅读


Italia ,officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica italiana), is a country located in south-central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia along the Alps. (意大利) Spaghetti is cooked in a large pot of salted, boiling water (about 5 liters for 2 persons) which is brought to boiling. Then one or two spoons of salt are added and after a minute or so the pasta is added. After 10 to 15 minutes (the timing is most often written on the packaging of sundry brands and thicknesses) the spaghetti is drained of water with a colander (scolapasta in Italian).(意面) Lazio style: Pizza in Lazio (Rome), as well as in many other parts of Italy, is available in two different styles:

(1) Take-away shops sell pizza rustica or pizza al taglio. This pizza is cooked in long, rectangular baking pans and relatively thick (1–2 cm). The crust is similar to that of an English muffin, and the pizza is often cooked in an electric oven. It is usually cut with scissors or a knife and sold by weight.

(2) In pizza restaurants (pizzerias), pizza is served in a dish in its traditional round shape. It has a thin, crisp base quite different from the thicker and softer Neapolitan style base. It is usually cooked in a wood-fired oven, giving the pizza its unique flavor and texture. In Rome, a pizza napoletana is topped with tomato, mozzarella, anchovies and oil (thus, what in Naples is called pizza romana, in Rome is called pizza napoletana).(披萨) Types of Lazio-style pizza include:(pizza分类) Pizza romana (in Naples): tomato, mozzarella, anchovies, oregano, oil; Pizza viennese: tomato, mozzarella, German sausage, oregano, oil; Pizza capricciosa ("capricious pizza"): mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, artichokes, cooked ham, olives, oil (in Rome, prosciutto raw ham is used and half a hard-boiled egg is added); Pizza quattro stagioni ("four seasons pizza"): same ingredients for the capricciosa, but ingredients not mixed; Pizza quattro formaggi ("four cheese pizza"): tomatoes, mozzarella, stracchino, fontina, gorgonzola (sometimes ricotta can be swapped for one of the last three); Sicilian-style pizza has its toppings baked directly into the crust. ("Sicilian" pizza in the United States is typically a different variety of product, made with a thick crust characterized by a rectangular shape and topped with tomato sauce, cheese and optional toppings. Pizza Hut's "Sicilian Pizza", introduced in 1994, is not an authentic example of the style as only garlic, basil, and oregano are mixed into the crust); White pizza (pizza bianca) omits the tomato sauce, often substituting pesto or dairy products such as sour cream. Most commonly, especially on the East coast of the United States, the toppings consist only of mozzarella and ricotta cheese drizzled with olive oil and spices like fresh basil and garlic. In Rome, the term pizza bianca refers to a type of bread topped with olive oil, salt and, occasionally, rosemary sprigs. It is also a Roman style to bottom the white pizza with figs, the result being known as pizza e fichi (pizza with figs); Ripieno or calzone is a turnover-style pizza filled with several ingredients, such as ricotta, salami and mozzarella, and folded over to form a half circle before being baked. In Italian calzone literally means "large sock", while the word ripieno actually means just "filling" and does not by itself imply a form of pizza. 这点够4分钟的了


[ Raw material ] thin noodles 480g, sausage 65g, eggplant 80g, tomato 65g, persimmon pepper 30g, cowpea 3 0g, onion 65g, salad oil right amount, garlic 65g, the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces 80g [ manufacture process ] 1. The noodles cooked tomatoes into pieces, good-cheuk 9:20 into 3cm long. 2. The eggplant, the persimmon pepper, cuts Large expanse of, onion cuts the filament, the garlic cuts to pieces, the sausage slivers the slanting block. 3. In the pot puts the oil heats up, the raw material which does well has poured into in the pot the 2nd step fries. 4. Mixes it with the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces modulates...


意大利面: Spaghetti is pasta in slender, solid, rod form, or in elbow form. Like the other pastas – macaroni and noodles – spaghetti is made from a flour and wheat dough. Spaghetti is a long, thin, cylindrical pasta of Italian origin.A variety of pasta dishes are based on it, from spaghetti with cheese and pepper or garlic and oil to a spaghetti with tomato, meat, and other sauces. Spaghetti is made of semolina or flour and water. 汉堡: A hamburger (or burger) is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed in an open bun or between two slices of bread. Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, or cheese and condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup. 红茶: Black tea is the most popular tea in the world. It is the tea most widely used in making iced tea and English tea. Ten Ren offers a wide variety of black tea in tea bag and loose tea forms. In addition to pure black tea, new tastes and flavors have been created by blending black tea with chrysanthemums, plums, ginger, hibiscus, or lemon. With all these selections, there is a black tea to suit your taste.


pasta 主要指通心粉及面条;spaghetti 是指意大利细面条;造型有时很有趣,bowtie macaroni叫做蝴蝶结通心粉. Pasta: made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. A prepared dish containing pasta as its main ingredient. 意大利面制品: 由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪 , 以意大利面制品为主要配料的菜 . 附加: pasta 意大利面统称 spaghetti 意大利面条 angel's hair意大利细面条 macaroni 空心面 奶油培根宽面 Fettuccine Carbonara 奶油蘑菇鸡面叫做Spaghetti with Chicken Mushrooms 红酒菌肝面就是Spaghetti with Chicken Livers 蒜香墨鱼意大利面Spaghetti with Squids Sauce 肉汁意粉spaghetti with meat sauce 简介: Spaghetti is a long, thin form of pasta. It is versatile, popular, and available throughout the Western world. Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto, which is a diminutive of spago, meaning "thin string" or "twine". The word spaghetti can be literally translated as "little strings." eg. 1.I'd like to have some spaghetti.可指的并不一定非要吃那种细的实心的面条,而是指各种各样的意大利面条. 2.I'd like to have some noodle.是指日本面或者是中国的面条. 意大利是欧洲第一个吃面食的国家。

十三世纪时马可波罗从中国传去制面食方法后,大受欢迎,特别是实心意粉spaghetti,以其容易烹调,可以配上各种佐料, 很快就风行全国。不过那时没有刀叉可用,因此吃的都是无汤汁的实心意粉,便于用手抓送入口。 很是受用! ;p


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