

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外语水平怎么填简历怎么描述外语水平]一、如果你已经获得了四六级证书 1.如果你的四六级分数不算特别高的话,建议最好不要写成绩。因为分数过低可能表现出你水平不高,使得本该给你加分的技能证书产生适得其反的效...+阅读


On weekends,I often play basketball .But this weekend,I on a vacation in the mountains.I am reading books and drink orange juice.'Could you just play with me for half an hour?"Dave says."Oh,sure."Then I play with him..."Oh,dad.I want to get to my aunt's home ,and how can I get there?Answer my question,please.""To there to get to your aunt's home,first ,you have to walk down the Qing MIng street,then take the tow crossing on the right ,you can see a restaurant. your aunt's home is next to the restaurant.""Thanks so much,dad"I say.



hip: something cool thumb :【口】竖起拇指要求搭车】 (附:all thumbs 笨拙, 笨手笨脚的,指那些手脚不灵活,干起活来笨手笨脚的人。 green thumb n.有特殊园艺才能) index finger:食指经常用于指东西,比如指着一样东西说,这是...,那是.,,,相当于指明序号。 index在英语中有个意思就是指南针的指针呢,.所以英语就用index finger了,有时也可以用point finger.后者就更加好理解 **cheek---1.【口】傲慢态度,无礼,厚脸皮[U] He had the cheek to ask me for money. 他竟厚着脸皮向我要钱。作及物动词 意为“无礼地向...讲话;对...无礼”等 How can you cheek your grandparents in that way? 你怎么可以那样无礼地对祖父母讲话? ***pslm好像应该是palm吧?可以是篮球中的犯规,也可以指(变戏法等的)把...藏于手(掌)中



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