

04月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[毕业后回家这样打算的人越来越多]最近的一项调查显示,部分二三线城市的就业吸引力正在上升。与此同时,大学生毕业回流家乡工作的情况也越来越普遍。 趋势:回家工作受青睐 我没有太多追求,只想在父母身边,有个稳定...+阅读


I can't forget him because he impressed me a lot.

When I was in high school,there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy,4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography.We all liked to take his class,though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend,not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao".And he is the person i can't forget.


Yesterday,my mum took me to the park. We took a bus there. When the bus stoped at a bus stop.There came an old woman. My mum standed up and gave her seat to the old lady.She told me that she likes to help others because she will get happy after helping others. I am very happy that day.And I will remember this thing forever. 大致意思是妈妈带我去公园玩,公车到站是上来一位老太太,妈妈让座给她,并告诉我帮助别人能给自己带来快乐,这件事老让我印象深刻.


the most unforgettable things in my life我生命中最难忘的事情

I saw a film named “atonement” several years ago.I was deeply affected by the sad story.The story was told by the author who wrote a novel about herself.It seems that the film was based on the autobiographies of the author.我看到了名为“赎罪”几年前的一部片子。我被深深地受到哀痛的故事。这个故事告诉写了关于她的小说的作者是谁。看来,这部片子是基于作者的自传。

The story tells us a sad story that a young girl between the ages of 13 and 16 falls/fell a young man who served her family from childhood.The girl loved the boy only in heart.She loved him so much that she can't stand anybody sharing him with her.But she never expressed her inner feeling.Until one day, she found the young man actually has fallen in love with her cousin.Her loving to the man changed to hatred.The young man was put into jail for the girl's false accusations although his denied the accusation completely.From then on, the young man has never got any chance to meet with his lover.Because, he didn't return back in the World WarⅡ.His lover, the author's cousin also died in German's air attack in London.This end of the story exceeded the girl's expectation.And that had always been her atonement through her lifetime.这个故事告诉我们一个哀痛的故事,年轻女孩之间的13和16岁的瀑布/下跌了一名年轻男子谁担负她的家人从童年。女孩喜欢男孩,只在心脏。她爱他那么多,她不克不及忍受任何人分享他与她。但她历来没有对她的内心感受。直到有一天,她发现年轻人实际上已经爱上了她的表妹在下降。她的爱改变冤仇的人。女孩的诬告年轻人,虽然他否认了这一指控完全投入监狱。从此,年轻人历来没有获得任何机会,以满足他的情人。因为,他没有回在第一次世界年夜战Ⅱ。他的情人,笔者的表弟在德国在伦敦的空袭中死亡。这个故事的结局超出了女孩的期望。并一直通过她的一生她赎罪。

The story was somewhat sadly beautiful, and we could assume many endings for the story.We should not expect the sad ending, including the girl's atonement, we expect Jack shall have Jill.Happiness is having things to do, what have people to love, and what have things to expect故事是有些凄美,我们可以假设许多故事的结局。我们不该该指望哀痛的结局,包含女孩的赎罪,我们希望有情人终成眷属。幸福是有事情要做,有什么人爱,有什么期望的事情。



1. 最常见的书面翻译你可以用unforgettable,memorable,


I went to a memorable/unforgettable summer camp this summer.

2. 口语中提到难忘,可以用impressive 或者indelible impression来表示,但大多数时候用词组来表示相同的意思,常见的是作为定语从句的I will never forget。



1). The trip to Tibet was really an impresssive experience!

2). The trip to Tibet really left me an indelible impression as an experience!

3). The trip to Tibet was really an experience I will never forget.



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