

07月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学习书法好处多]书法和我们的工作、学习与生活的关系十分密切.小朋友们都要写作业、答试卷、记笔记、填表格以及写信等等, 有时还没有见到人, 就先见到了字.古人说, `字如其人'.字写得正确、清楚...+阅读


English is important for enveryone,For childen,English is a subject.If they have a good grades,they must study English well.For adults,they study English can find a good job.For all the Chinese,China is opening to fhe outside world,there must be a lot of foreigners to come to China,there must be a lot of foreigeners to come to China ,studying English must chat with them that we show to welcome to them.


语言的本质是工具,但人类在进步,时代在发展,社会在前进,英语已从一种工具变为一种思想,一种知识库。没有掌握外语犹如缺乏一种思想,缺少了一个重要的知识源泉一样。多学一种外国语,等于在本来没有窗的墙上开了一排窗,你可以领略到前所未有的另外一面风光 Theessenceoflanguageisatool,butmankindintheprogressofthetimesindevelopment,socialadvancement,Englishhasbecomeakindofatoolofthought,aKnowledgeBase.Donothaveaforeignlanguageasifthelackofathought,thelackofacrucialsourceofthesameknowledge.Learnaforeignlanguage,equivalenttothatdonothaveawindowinthewallofarowofopenwindows,youcanappreciatetheothersidetoanunprecedentedscenery


哦 还有就是,我目前上的ABC天卞口语的老师说过,如果想将英语学好很简单的;必须具有恰当的学习情境与闇练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 最好欧美母语,口语纯正才行,坚决经常口语练习,1v1家教式教学才能够有.好.的学习成效。学习后还要重复复习录音文档 更可以加深印象。实在是真的没有练习对象的环境,最好能到听力室或沪江获取课余教材练习 多说多问迅速的口语会提高起来 学习效益会非常最佳的;It goes without ing that English plays an important rolein our modern society. English is an international language.Wherever you go, you can hear English spoken by many people. Fromts point of view, it is true that English is important to ourdaily life. Learning English is like learning to swim orlearning to play ball. Our primary trouble is that we have tackledthe study of language from the wrong end. We are like the man whotnks he can learn to swim only by reading books about swimming. Inactuality, we learn by doing. The grammatical rules are valuable aswe plunge into the language and need some assistance. In the sameway, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learnsometng from actual experience in the water. But reading booksnever makes a swimmer and learning rules never makes a practicallinguist. The regular procedure in learning English involveslistening first, to be followed by speaking. Then comes reading, andfinally the writing of the language. The way you learn English ismuch the same as the way you learned your own language. First of allyou must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use thelanguage easily. In other words, you have to build up languagehabits in English just as you build up English habits in your ownlanguage. To sum up, we must bear in mind that nobody can learn toswim for you. Nobody can learn to play ball for you. Nobody canlearn English for you. It's up to you. You must learn for yourselfand you will learn if you really want to and are willing topractice. Nowadays, English has become auniversal language. To overcome the language barriers is notdifficult, if we have a good command of English. A man who speaksEnglish owns a valuable tool of communicating with others throughoutthe world. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for usto learn English well. There is no short cut to learning English.The mastery of English can be brought about only by daily study andincessant drill. The more we practice it, the more progress we willmake.



有没有人可以帮我写一篇学习会计英语的好处学习会计英语的好处 从就业和用途方面讲起:会计这样的工作不费体力、属于办公室工作,还有会计说白一点就是管帐,管钱的,统计、习惯了、对自己的日常生活也有帮助. 税务会计就是...


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学习英语的好处:背单词.长久的来说,你每天能背20个单词.就可以保证你以后英语很牛 2:多说,尽量找英语好的人或者外教,有条件也可以到聊天室,尽可能的张开嘴,不要害怕不要害羞 3:书面的英语教材要多...

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