

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语手抄报内容是HAPPY NEW YEAR]Happy New Year 兔 You! The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festivalfor all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to hav...+阅读



第一大题:1 E 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 B (只写了序号和字母,麻烦自己看下、)

第二大题:BBBCA 1-5 CCBAB 6-10

第三大题:1. What time 2. What color 3. Are those 4. doesn't do 5. How old

第四大题:CABGJ 1-5 DFEHI 6-10


第一大题:1. sit 2. old 3. big 4. different 5. short

第二大题:AACCC 1-5

第三大题:1. at home 2. What is 3. How old 4. Who is 5. favorite color

第四大题:DAEBC 1-5


第一大题:CBBC 1-4

第二大题:1. What kind of movies do you like ? 2. No, I don't . 3. When do you usually go to movies? 4. Who do you usually go with ? 5. Do you want to be an actor ?

第三大题:1. Whose skirt 2. goes to school 3. don't like favorite color 4.Is boy girl

第四大题:CBCCA 1-5


第一大题:1. Hello/Hi 2.What 3. it 4. these 5.this 6.Her 7. isn't 8. He

第二大题:BCBBA 1-5 CABC 6-9



第一大题:CCBBB 1-5 ABB 6-8

第二大题:1. Does watch 2. How much 3. This boy plays his 4. is on 5.What does like eat

第三大题:4 5 2 6 3 1 10 9 8 7 11


第一大题:1. Which 2. When 3. How 4. What 5. Where

第二大题:CEADB 1-5

第三大题:CBCAC 1-5 BB 6-7

第四大题:1. March 25th 2. Action movie 3. T 4. F 5.介绍 广告


第一大题:CBCBC 1-5

第二大题:1. They're 2. doesn't 3. like 4. play 5. some 6. are 7. know 8. healthy 9. us 10. lots of

第三大题:1. often up at o'clock 2. Do play sports morning 3. in or 4. Chinese on mine

第四大题:CACBA 1-5 CABCB 6-10


第一大题:BACBC 1-5

第二大题:ABCCAC 1-6


第一大题:1. to 2. about 3. at 4. In 5. with 6. for

第二大题:BCCCA 1-5

第三大题:CBBBA 1-5


第一大题:BCBCC 1-5

第二大题:AGFECD 1-6

第三大题:1. parents 2. are 3. is 4. your 5. play 6. is 7. China 8. have

(IQ 无限的参考答案P62页有,我就没写啦。


还有还有,楼主啊,你看我这么辛辛苦苦打的字,是不是该给点分咯。~~~ O(∩_∩)O


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