几年前:乱扔杂物 采花毁树,滥捕鸟类,在森林中生火烧饭
Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest. It attracts a large number of tourists to come here to enjoy its beauty. But a few years ago, some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment .
They threw about litter on the ground, such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper.
Sometimes they broke trees, picked flowers and killed birds. Some even made a fire in
the woods to cook food. How dangerous it was!
Luckily, great changes have taken place here. Tourists are used to putting the rubbish into the dustbins. What's more, they also stop others from throwing about litter. The birds are protected so well that they live very freely and happily in the mountain. In order to keep away from the forest fire, tourists bring their own meals instead of cooking.
All these changes make us very happy.
展开1全部 Mozart's former residence Mozart (mozart) in January 27, 1756 was born here, there, he has displayed a used violin, piano, and hand-written music scores, here is one of the must-see. Salzburg Huoheng Salzburg is a sign that the EU is the largest castle. After 900 years of wind and rain, still stands in the urban areas over 100 meters high hills, is the ancient Bishop (bishop) of the residence. It's a very broad area, many buildings and courtyard. St. Peter's Abbey 3 is composed of a rectangular hall, mozart play here in c minor march, as his wife, soprano not in on December 5 is the anniversary of the death mozart this day, people will come here to commemorate the collective. Mirabell Palace (mirabell palace) Bishop is Jinwucangjiao, it is the characteristics of the room stairs, I am afraid that here is the world's most luxurious marriage registration. In Salzburg, visitors will not miss the "Lonely Night". The elegant theater, the roar of the popular bar, a small roadside coffee break, and traditional puppet shows, wonderful programs will let you feel from classical to modern, from classical to popular style parties.
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