

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语四级考试写作文的常用精典句型谁推荐点明天要考试了]研究范文的思路,背下经典的句子,自己研究几个作文的套句.开头,结尾怎么写,中间怎么写.研究一个万能结构. 比如说,开头:....is an issue that is discussed daily in both private...+阅读

My mom asked me to the shop with her.When we got there , there were already a lot of people. My mom bought some salt from the salt sector .Then we went to pay the cashier .

When she was in the line , I saw a box of chocolate.I wanted to buy it very much , so I took it to my mom .She bought it for me I am happy!


英语作文中写得好可以经长用的句子1.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a chance to broaden my horizons. 2.Further interest is evinced by the Confucian study programmes springi...

求一篇英语信函作文Dear Mr.and Mrs.Tim Smith, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in a costume dance held at Holiday Inn at 9p.m on Friday, the 1st Septembe...

英语作文写信件3rdJuly2010 XindiProductsandServicesCo.,Ltd XXXX(address) Dearourvaluedcustomers, XindiCompanyhasprovidedqualityservicesandproductsatareasonableprice.Wearecurre...

英语作文。书信Dear John Brown, I've received your letter of March12. Please come to my company to discuss the details of cooperation on 25th this month. And please tell me yo...

给我几篇初中英语常考作文和热门作文范文I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare. First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework 5 hours...

五年级下册猫的观察日记我家养了一只可爱的小猫咪,它身穿一件黑白相间的毛衣,脸上嵌着一对金色小灯泡,晚上还发出一闪一闪的光芒,嘴角边还站着两个守护神。 小猫咪可贪吃了。记得有一天,妈妈买了一条鱼...

四年级下册科学试卷中的教与学存在的问题2010~2011学年度第二学期四年级科学期末测试班级:姓名:学号: 一、填空题。 1、光是沿传播的,镜子让光拐弯是射,彩虹是对光的射。 2、心脏的和血管的工作就是让流动起来,人体的司令...


四年级下册my weekend英语作文I have an interesting weekend plan. First of all , I will finish all the homework. Then, I will use alot of time to do what I want to do. On saturday morning ,I...
