

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[ My Special Winter Holiday我特别的一天英语作文]The winter holiday this year is kinda special; the last winter holiday in this university. Be honest, I didn't think about this before the winter holiday. I jus...+阅读

一、填空:1. We have Chinese, English and some subjects.2. Why don't come here by bike?(改为同义句)3.he likes to play football after class?(对画线部分进行提问)4.she likes dogs, too.(改为否定句) She dogs, too.

1、I think maths is too (难的)。

2、China is an i place.

3、my b is in November.4. would you like to go to the m with us?5.my favorite s is English.

二、翻译下列短语:1.向前直走:2.你为什么不喜欢长颈鹿? you like giraffes?3.你还喜欢其他什么书?What do you like?


Tom do his homework

三、补全下列对话。A: 1 at this monkeys. What're they 2 ?B:Bananas. 3 many monkeys can you see?A:well, 4 count them. One,two,three…….oh, it's too 4 .I can't count them.B:right,they are running and jumping all the 6 .A:let'go and see the pandas. I 7 one of them 8 a baby.B:A baby panda? 9 ! let's 10 .












(10分) One day Einstein is walking in the street in new york. His friend meets him and says to him,”Einstein,you should buy a new overcoat. Look, how old your overcoat is!” But Einstein answers,” it's doesn't matter. Nobody knows me here.” After a few years Einstein becomes a famous scientist. But he still wears the overcoat.His friend meets him again and ask him to buy a new one. But Einstein says, “I needn't wear a new one. Everyone kows me here.”( )1. Einstein doesn't want to buy a new one because .A. he has no money B. He likes the overcoat C. nobody knows him D. he doesn't mind it.



1、Is there a library in your n 2. I want to be a police o 3. What s pizza do you like?4. Go s and you'll find the hospital.5. My family (有时) go to the movies.6. Jim swims (好)。

三、单项选择 ( )

1、There is some cheese here. would you like?A. how many B. how much C.what D.how.( )2. Can't you hear ? No, I can hear .A.anything,nothing B.anything, anything C.something, nothing. D.something, something( )3. What time do you home?A. get to. B. arrive at C.arrive in D.get( )4. One of the twins is watching TV, is playing football.A.other B.the other C.others D. another

四、同义句改写1.What is your father? your father' ?2.Turn left at the first crossing. the first turning the left.3.Why don't you come with me to play games? come with me to play games?4.What's the weather like today? the weather today?5.Can you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?Can you tell me how to the bookshop?


(5分) A: 1 the weather like in England at this time of year?B: It's 2 .A: I thought it was very warm. England 3 4 beautiful in many photos. There are trees, grass and flowers 5 .B: That'true. The weather is very good in summer. It' 6 too hot. It' 7 .A: I hear it' often foggy.B: Not now. but it's rains a lot. And it's quite cold February.A: I see. When I visit England , I 8 go in February. By the way ,do you often talk about the 9 ?B: Yes, quite true.A: Why?B: 10 the weather keeps changing all the time.












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