屠呦呦演讲稿英文版是什么样的?下面就和范文小编一起来看看吧!同时小编还为大家准备中文版的演讲稿和相关简介,希望对大家有所帮助!屠呦呦演讲稿英文版(1)尊敬的主席先生,尊敬的获奖者,女士们,先生们:Dear respected Chairman, General Secretary, esteemed Nobel Laureates, ladies and gentlemen,今天我极为荣幸能在卡罗林斯卡学院讲演,我报告的题目是:青蒿素中医药给世界的一份礼物。Its my great honor to give this lecture today at Karolinska Institutet. The title of my presentation is: Artemisinin - A Gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine to the World.致谢在报告之前,我首先要感谢诺贝尔奖评委会,诺贝尔奖基金会授予我2015年生理学或医学奖。
这不仅是授予我个人的荣誉,也是对全体中国科学家团队的嘉奖和鼓励。在短短的几天里,我深深地感受到了瑞典人民的热情,在此我一并表示感谢。Before I start, I would like to thank the Nobel Assembly and the Nobel Foundation for awarding me the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. This is not only the honor for myself, but also the recognition of and motivation for all scientists in China. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the great hospitality of the Swedish people which I he received during my short stay over last few days.谢谢William C. Campbell(威廉姆.坎贝尔)和Satoshi ōmura(大村智)二位刚刚所做的精彩报告。
我现在要说的是四十年前,在艰苦的环境下,中国科学家努力奋斗从中医药中寻找抗疟新药的故事。Thanks to Dr. William Campbell and Dr. Satoshi Omura for the excellent and inspiring presentations. The story I will tell today is about the diligence and dedication of Chinese scientists during searching for antimalarial drugs from the traditional Chinese medicines forty years ago under considerablyunder-resourced research conditions.关于青蒿素的发现过程,大家可能已经在很多报道中看到过。
在此,我只做一个概要的介绍。这是中医研究院抗疟药研究团队当年的简要工作总结,其中蓝底标示的是本院团队完成的工作,白底标示的是全国其他协作团队完成的工作。蓝底向白底过渡标示既有本院也有协作单位参加的工作。Discovery of ArtemisininSome of you may he read the history of artemisinin discovery innumerous publications. I will give a brief review here. This slide summarizes the antimalarial research program carried out by the team at the Institutes of Chinese Materia Medica (ICMM) of Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM) in which the programs highlighted in blue were acplished by the team at ATCM while the programs highlighted with blue and white werepleted through joint efforts by the teams at ATCM and other institutes. The un-highlighted programs were pleted collaboratively by the other research teams across the nation.中药研究所团队于1969年开始抗疟中药研究。
青蒿乙醚中性提取物抗疟药效的突破,是发现青蒿素的关键。Discovery of Artemisinin at ICMMThe team at ICMM initiated research on the Chinese medicines for malaria treatment in 1969. Following substantial screening, we started to focus on herb Qinghao in 1971, but received no promising results after multiple attempts. In September 1971, a modified procedure was designed to reduce the extraction temperature by immersing or distilling Qinghao using ethyl ether. The obtained extracts were then treated with an alkaline solution to remove acidic impurities and retain the neutral portion.In the experiments carried out on October 4th 1971, sample No 191, i.e. the neutral portion of the Qinghao ether extract was found 100% effective on the malaria mice when administered orally at a dose of 1.0g/kg for consecutive three days. The same results were observed when tested in malaria monkeys between December 1971 and January 1972. This breakthrough finding became a critical step in the discovery of artemisinin.1972年8至10月,我们开展了青蒿乙醚中性提取物的临床研究,30例恶性疟和间日疟病人全部显效。
同年11月,从该部位中成功分离得到抗疟有效单体化合物的结晶,后命名为青蒿素。We subsequently carried out a clinical trial between August and October 1972 in Hainan province in which the neutral Qinghao ether extract successfully cured thirty falciparum and plasmodium malaria patients. This was the first time the neutral Qinghao ether extract was tested in human. In November 1972, an effective antimalarial pound was isolated from the neutral Qinghao ether extract. The pound was late named Qinghaosu (artemisinin in Chinese).1972年12月开始对青蒿素的化学结构进行探索,通过元素分析、光谱测定、质谱及旋光分析等技术手段,确定化合物分子式为C15H22O5,分子量282。
明确了青蒿素为不含氮的倍半萜类化合物。Artemisinin Chemistry StudiesWe started to determine chemical structure of artemisinin in December 1972 through elemental analysis, spectrophotometry, mass spectrum,polarimetric analysis and other techniques. These experiments confirmed that the pound had a plete new sesquiterpene structure with a formula of C15H22O5, a molecular weight of 282 and contained no nitrogen.1973年4月27日,经中国医学科学院药物研究所分析化学室进一步复核了分子式等有关数据。
1974年起,与中国科学院上海有机化学研究所和生物物理所相继开展了青蒿素结构协作研究的工作。最终经X光衍射确定了青蒿素的结构。确认青蒿素是含有过氧基的新型倍半萜内酯。立体结构于1977年在中国的科学通报发表,并被化学文摘收录。Stereo Structure of ArtemisininThe formula of the molecule and other results were verified by theanalytical chemistry department of China Academy of Medical Sciences on April 27th 1973. We started collaboration with Shanghai Institute of anicChemistry and the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences on artemisinin chemical structure analysis in 1974. The stereo-structure was finally determined using the X-ray diffraction technique which verified that artemisininwas a new sesquiterpene lactone containing a peroxy group. The structure was published in 1977[1]and cited by the Chemical Abstracts[2].1973年起,为研究青蒿素结构中的功能基团而制备衍生物。
于1992年再获得双氢青蒿素新药证书。该药临床药效高于青蒿素10倍,进一步体现了青蒿素类药物高效、速效、低毒的特点。Artemisinin and Artemisinin DerivativesDerivatization of artemisinin was performed in 1973 in order to determine its functional group. A carboxyl group was verified in the artemisnin molecule through reduction by sodium borohydride. Dihydroartemisinin was found in this process. Further research on the structure-activity relationship of artemisinin was conducted. The peroxyl group in the artemisnin molecule was provencritical for its antimalarial function. Efficacy was improved for some pounds derivatized through the hydroxy group of dihydroartemisinin.This slide shows the chemical structures of artemisinin and its derivatives - dihydroartemisinin, artemether, artesunate, arteether. Up to now, no clinical application has been reported with other artemisinin derivatives except for the four presented here.Artemisinin and Dihydroartemisinin New Drug CertificatesThis slide shows the Artemisinin New Drug Certificate (left) and theDihydroartemisinin New Drug Certificate (right) granted by the China Ministry of Health in 1986 and 1992, respectively. Dihydroartemisinin is ten times more potent than artemisinin, again demonstrated high efficacy, rapid action and low toxicity of the drugs in the artemisnin category.1981年,世界卫生组织、世界银行、联合国计划开发署在北京联合召开疟疾化疗科学工作组第四次会议,有关青蒿素及其临床应用的一系列报告在会上引发热烈反响。
我的报告是青蒿素的化学研究。上世纪80年代,数千例中国的疟疾患者得到青蒿素及其衍生物的有效治疗。Worldwide Attention to ArtemisininThe World Health anization (WHO), the World Bank and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) held the 4th joint Malaria Chemotherapy Science Working Group meeting in Beijing in 1981. A series of presentations on artemisinin and its clinical application including my report Studies on the Chemistry of Qinghaosu received positive and enthusiastic responses. In the 1980s, several thousand of malaria patients were successfully treated with artemisinin and its derivatives in China.听完这段介绍,大家可能会觉得这不过是一段普通的药物发现过程。
但是,当年从在中国已有两千多年沿用历史的中药青蒿中发掘出青蒿素的历程却相当艰辛。After this brief review, you may ment that this is no more than an ordinary drug discovery process. However, it was not a simple and easy journey in discovery of the artemisinin from Qinghao, a Chinese herb medicine with over two thousand year clinical application.目标明确、坚持信念是成功的前提。1969年,中医科学院中药研究所参加全国523抗击疟疾研究项目。
经院领导研究决定,我被指令负责并组建523项目课题组,承担抗疟中药的研发。这一项目在当时属于保密的重点军工项目。对于一个年轻科研人员,有机会接受如此重任,我体会到了国家对我的信任,深感责任重大,任务艰巨。我决心不辱使命,努力拼搏,尽全力完成任务!mitment to the Clearly Defined Goal Assures Success in Discovery The Institute of Chinese Materia Medica of Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine joined the national 523anti- malaria research project in 1969. I was appointed the head to build the 523 research group in the institute by the academys leadership team, responsible for developing new antimalarial drugs from Chinese medicines. It was a confidential military program with a high priority. As a young scientist in her early career life, I felt overwhelmed by the trust and responsibility received for such a challenging and critically important task. I had no choice but fully devoted myself to acplishing my duties.学科交叉为研究发现成功提供了准备。
这是我刚到中药研究所的照片,左侧是著名生药学家楼之岑,他指导我鉴别药材。从1959年到1962年,我参加西医学习中医班,系统学习了中医药知识。化学家路易˙帕斯特说过机会垂青有准备的人。古语说:凡是过去,皆为序曲。然而,序曲就是一种准备。当抗疟项目给我机遇的时候,西学中的序曲为我从事青蒿素研究提供了良好的准备。Knowledge is Prologue in DiscoveryThis is a photo taken soon after I joined the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica. Professor Lou Zhiqin (left), a famous pharmacognosist, was mentoring on how to differentiate herbs. I attended a training course on theories and practices of traditional Chinese medicine designed for professionals with amodern (western) medicine training background. Fortune fors the prepared mind and Whats past is prologue. My prologue of integrated training in the modern and Chinese medicines prepared me for the challenges when theopportunities in searching for antimalarial Chinese medicine became ailable.1.Quote by Louis Pasteur2.Quote in The Tempest by William Shakespeare信息收集、准确解析是研究发现成功的基础。
接受任务后,我收集整理历代中医药典籍,走访名老中医并收集他们用于防治疟疾的方剂和中药、同时调阅大量民间方药。在汇集了包括植物、动物、矿物等2000余内服、外用方药的基础上,编写了以640种中药为主的《疟疾单验方集》。正是这些信息的收集和解析铸就了青蒿素发现的基础,也是中药新药研究有别于一般植物药研发的地方。Information Collating and Accurate Deciphering Are the Foundation for the Success in ResearchAfter accept the tasks, I collected over 2000 herbal, animal and mineral preions for either internal or external uses through reviewing ancient traditional Chinese medical literatures and folk recipes, interviewing those well-known experienced Chinese medical doctors who provided mepreions and herbal recipes. I summarized 640 preions in a brochure Antimalarial Collections of Recipes and Preions. It was the information collection and deciphering that laid sound foundation for the discovery ofartemisinin. This also differentiates the approaches taken by Chinese medicine and general phytochemistry in searching for novel drugs.关键的文献启示。
当年我面临研究困境时,又重新温习中医古籍,进一步思考东晋(公元3-4世纪)葛洪《肘后备急方》有关青蒿一握,以水二升渍,绞取汁,尽服之的截疟记载。这使我联想到提取过程可能需要避免高温,由此改用低沸点溶剂的提取方法。Thorough Literature Reviewing Inspires an Idea Leading to SuccessI reviewed the traditional Chinese literatures again when our research stalled following numerous failures. In reading Ge Hongs A Handbook of Preions for Emergencies (East Jin Dynasty, 3rd-4th century), I further digested the sentence A Handful of Qinghao Immersed in Two Liters of Water, Wring out the Juice and Drink It All when Qinghao was mentioned foralleviating the malaria symptoms. This reminded me that the heating might need to be oided during extraction, therefore the method was modified by using the solvent with a low boiling point.关于青蒿入药,最早见于马王堆三号汉墓的帛书《五十二病方》,其后的《神农本草经》、《补遗雷公炮制便览》、《本草纲目》等典籍都有青蒿治病的记载。
然而,古籍虽多,确都没有明确青蒿的植物分类品种。当年青蒿资源品种混乱,药典收载了2个品种,还有4个其他的混淆品种也在使用。后续深入研究发现:仅Artemisia annua L.一种含有青蒿素,抗疟有效。 屠呦呦演讲稿英文版
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