

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[正确的英文书写格式请举例谢谢]商业信函格式同其它信函一样,商业信函也是一种具有习惯格式的文体。商业信函通常由信封、信文及附件3部分构成。前两部分是必不可少的,而后者则需视具体情况而定。1)信封 (1)信封...+阅读

I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was low key and excellecntly potrayed Bella's father. Kristen Stewart did a decent job, and I have to say that despite his severely sculpted eyebrows, I liked Rob Pattinson 's portrayal of Edward Cullen.There were quite a few moments of unexpected humor in the film that I enjoyed. Nothing huge just little things that were enough to actually make me laugh out loud (which some comedies this year didn't manage to make me do). However, for a non-fan, it was really a pretty bland film. It seemed very slow-moving at times, and let's face it – it's a pretty cheesy teen romance movie. There wasn't anything really special here other than the fact that it had vampires.


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有暮光之城英文读后感I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was l...
