

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Name: Mr. Yu Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 1986-11-8 marital status: unmarried

Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han

Height: 178CM political landscape: members

Education: graduate of time: in July 2008

Residence: place of residence now Jiangxi Ji'an: Shenzhen, Guangdong

Occupational Overview / job interest

Are engaged in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) is now engaged in Occupation: real estate / property type

Level positions are: the initial positions (two years work experience) Work Experience: fresh graduates

Current salary: a monthly salary of 3200 yuan of overseas work experience: No

Expectations of the nature of work: part-time work in the region look forward to: Shenzhen, Guangdong, Guangzhou

Expect to engage in the industry: look forward to engaging in Occupation: real estate appraisers

Real Estate Development / Project Manager

Real Estate Development / Planning missioner

mercial Real Estate Planner

Real Estate Sales

Salary expectations: a monthly salary of 3500 yuan到岗Time: 1 month

Other requirements: I hope to he regular training to improve the quality of their own self-cultivation

Self-evaluation / career goals

Self-evaluation: on the matter to a more objective evaluation, longer than the team;

The courage to challenge, to withstand pressure, is not afraid to endure har


Integrity and pragmatic, positive and aggressive.

Lack of social experience, the need to strengthen training. Sophisticated temperament, approach maturity, good munication, good at teamwork;

Sloppy people, can the overall situation;

Integrity realistic and positive.

Sometimes too persistent, a matter that must be done in pursuit of perfection, but are often difficult to do things.

Career goals: five-year goal to bee the technical backbone of the industry;

The goals of the Decade, has his own pany.

Educational background

School Name: Jiangxi Normal University (September 2004 - 2008 7 months)

Professional Title: real estate management and development of Education: Undergraduate

Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Certificate: puter secondary, English 4

Professional Deion: The Science, the basic system includes a prehensive real estate management and development, real estate valuation, corporate governance, such as real estate management and development, real estate market analysis, Western economics, real estate appraisal, management , the project management courses

Work experience

pany Name: Shenzhen Geia real estate land value assessment of the Advisory Limited (March 2008 - 2009年3月)

Industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) the nature of the pany: joint-stock enterprises本站房地产评估员个人英文简历范文


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