

11月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读

电子简历,RESUME电子简历模板 RESUMEPersonal Information:Famlily Name: WangGiven Name: BinDate of Birth: July 12, 1971Birth Place:BeijingSex:MaleMarital Status:UnmarriedTelephone: (010)62771234Pager:99900-1234567E-m RESUME

Personal Information:

Famlily Name: WangGiven Name: Bin

Date of Birth: July 12, 1971Birth Place:Beijing

Sex:MaleMarital Status:Unmarried

Telephone: (010)62771234Pager:99900-1234567

E-mail: career&emspsohu.

Work Experience:

Nov. 1998- presentCCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .anized and attended trade shows (dex 99) .

Summer of 1997 BIT panyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Ja as well ;



1991 - August 1996Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.

Achievements Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer mittee

Established the anization as a member of BIT

President of munications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

puter Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Jabeans, HTML, CGI, JaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills :

He a good mand of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213

Others :

Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . He coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.



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