

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in the materials I reviewed. I am the College of Liberal Arts, Guangxi Normal University Chinese Language and Literature (National outstanding liberal arts base classes) professional graduates. I look forward to your pany can find a suitable job, in order to contribute to your pany. I urge you to join your pany's opportunity. I he the confidence and ability to be an excellent staff. Since the university after me self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance, not only strive to learn professional knowledge and active participation in a variety of social practice, after four years of university study and social training, I he the following capabilities:

A solid foundation of professional expertise and deep knowledge of literature.

Outstanding liberal arts base to enter the country four years of study, I carefully study the various professional courses, with a solid foundation for Chinese Language and Literature of the knowledge and professional skills, but also capable of thinking and research paper writing skills, has participated in the Innovation Cup petition of scientific research papers he been hospital-level second-class awards. I created the China Forum for Academic criticism Guoxue se, build a new system of academic evaluation of the role play, caused concern both within and outside scholars.

I like literature, often after school hours to participate in the activities of a variety of literary salon, a large number of literary books to read. 2006 invited to participate in The Second Guangxi Youth poetry will broaden the horizons of knowledge growth. In Journal of Guangxi Normal University, South Danxia, Jenny, Chatham, Acacia Lake poetry group and the article published articles (articles listed in Annex material).

Second, a wealth of social practice and outstanding ability to work.

I was in China, Haier Group, China , Beijing Dragon sun Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guilin, respectively, as the Western Hills Park促销员, business agents, such as sales

assistant positions, positions are made in the excellent performance by the employing units praise. The squad leader as a base class, college party branch secretary, vice president of Book Club Fifth Season, Guangxi Normal University, Office of Academic Affairs Office of the Assistant High classroom, Guangxi Normal University, College of Liberal Arts Campus Party secretary, an increase of petence, the Office has accumulated rich knowledge of executive secretarial knowledge and . The accumulated experience of social activities, work in your anization to lay a certain foundation.

Third, the concept of a strong brand of team spirit and cooperation.

After four years of college, I bee more and more aware of social practice: in a petitive society, there is no strong brand awareness it is impossible to gain a foothold in the munity. Therefore, I seek to bee their own good, and seek to engage in their work of any of the business as a brand, so I always pay attention to seize the opportunity to exercise their own, and always thinking about ways to do a good job. Mission as the party branch secretaries (one semester), where the class was 优秀团支部colonel title; as stem classes (one year), where the class was the best course of Guangxi district collective title, as the Guangxi Normal University College of Liberal Arts Campus Secretary When party activists through rate of more than 95%. In addition, I am a team but also he the ability, I can quickly adapt to a new working environment, and established in the new environment of team work environment.

After fine arts at the national base for up to 4 years of training, I already he a should he the basic quality. Hope I can fit your request, I also hope you choose, your choice is what I hope. In order to facilitate a more detailed understanding of your situation I am, please review the resume I submitted, as well as related materials. Give me a chance also a miracle that you and look forward to your response. Units祝贵flourishing career, has made great achievements!





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