

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[食品经营者承诺书]食品经营者承诺书,食品经营者要保证食品流通经营场所的环境、设备、设施,符合与食品流通相适应的要求,食品经营者承诺书怎么写,下面带来食品经营者承诺书范文,欢迎阅读。 食品经...+阅读


After-sales Service Letter of mitment:

All products purchased in our pany are guaranteed to keep in good repair for one year. If quality problems happen in guarantee period, our pany will maintain for free. Additionally, our pany provides technical support and fittings for life.

After-sales service isnt restricted by time and we will assign technical personnel to solve your problems immediately after receiving telephone and hear feedback idea of users and deal with them in time.

If you are caught in some problems when using our products, wele to contact us at any time.



After-sale Service Warranty within and after Guarantee Period

1. Basic requirements of our after-sale service

1) If any quality problems such as design, manufacture, function or procedure occur within the

guarantee period, SCCW shall take full responsibility and bear all the economic losses incurred.

2) If any quality problems occurs within the guarantee period, SCCW shall provide on-site

service after receive the buyers notice in 24 hrs.

3) If any big quality problems occurs out of the guarantee period, SCCW will send maintenance

technician to provide visiting service after receive the buyers notice in 24 hrs and charge for a forable price.

4) SCCW will provide a lifetime forable price to the buyer with the materials and spare parts

used in system operation, equipment maintenance.

The above mentioned are only basic after-sale service requirements, we will make more promises related to quality assurance and operation guarantee mechanism.

2. After-sale service mitment

1) Quality and service mitment :

1.1 After-sale service department:

SCCW will set up a after-sale service department and spare parts center specified for Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co.,Ltd Crane in Main Factory Building of Cold Rolling Project and provide professional equipment maintenance engineers.

1.2 Payment of maintenance expense:

All the maintenance expense within the guarantee period shall be borne by SCCW.

1.3 After-sale service measures within the guarantee period

The after-sale service work is an important part of our marketing and sales work. The quality of service provided will not only influence the pany credit, but also closely relate to the safely running of the equipments.

In order to maintain the good reputation of Hercules, SCCW will strictly observe relevant national regulations about Product-Quality Law and provide high quality products with the principle of hospitable reception, enthusiastic service, quick response and prompt resolution.

We will conscientiously implement the after-sale service work in full-scale, and make mitment to our clients as follows:

1. Select and appoint engineering technicians and workers who are professionally

petent and personally mitted to undertake the after-sale service work.

Meanwhile set up the service office made up of chief engineer office, project office, technical center, after-sale service department and workshop specialists led and coordinated by marketing and sales department.

2. During the Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co.,Ltd Crane in Main Factory

Building of Cold Rolling Project on-site installation and trial un, appoint specialized after-sale service personnel to work at the work place




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